“Of course he does; you two have been through a lot together. Does it bother you that he didn’t say he loved you?”

I take a breath and think for a second. “No. He’ll say it when he’s ready—when the time is right. Things are still fresh between us, and I told him I love him because I promised myself I’d always be honest with my feelings.”

“What if he doesn’t get there? What if this thing between you crashes and burns?”

“Well, geez, thanks for the vote of confidence, Claire.”

“What? I’m just trying to help you think this through. You two just got back together, and you’re throwing yourself into it full force because that’s what you do—and I love that about you—but you’re my best friend, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I place a hand on her arm. “I’m doing this the only way I know how. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

“How do you know?”

“I can’t explain it, Claire. I can just feel it. When I’m with Rhett, it’s like the stars align and there’s a calm to my world I haven’t felt since we were together before.”

“It’s called lust.”

“It’s called love.” I laugh. I love Claire, and I adore her even more for looking out for me. “You’ve never felt it, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand.”

She scoffs. “I’ve been in love before.”

I roll my eyes. “Noah Cunningham doesn’t count. We were in seventh grade.”

She pouts. “He gave me his dessert every day for a year.”

“And when you fall in love, that man will give you his heart every day for life.”

The easy look on her face fades. “Rhett hasn’t given you his heart.”

“I think he will. Just you wait and see.”


“He’s already been bathed, and he’s in bed. Probably not asleep yet if you want to talk to him.”

“Thank you, Sharon.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie.” She gives me a hug, grabs her purse, and slips out the door.

I tiptoe down the hall, trying to be quiet in case Dad is already asleep, but when I pass by his room, he calls to me.

Closing my eyes, I stop outside his door. Part of me wants to keep walking, get into the shower, and act like I didn’t hear him. But that’s not fair to either of us.

We haven’t talked much since the other night at the Allens’ when he told me I was hovering. We’ve been living around each other, neither one of us ready to break the ice. I’m not sure I’m ready now, but I might as well get it over with.

“Hey, Daddy.” I push his door open. “Everything okay?”

He taps the side of his bed with his fingers. The floor squeaks beneath my feet as I move across the room. Lowering the bedrail, I place my hands under his arms, stuff a pillow behind his back and sit down.

“You w-worked late t-tonight.”

“I had a horse come in today. Palomino. She’s real pretty.”

“W-w-was she spooked?”

“A little. I stayed until she was settled. Sorry I wasn’t home for dinner.”

“That’s o-okay.” He places his hand over mine. “I’m s-sorry about the other d-day—” Dad’s