Dad’s therapists have told me before that I enable him, that I need to let him be more independent and do the small things he’s capable of doing—like feeding himself.


I blink up, looking out the window over the sink. My dad is talking and eating with Vivian and Sawyer as if nothing happened.

“You okay?” Rhett asks.

Pressing a hand to my chest, I gasp. “You scared me.”

He brushes the hair off my shoulder and kisses the side of my neck. “Sorry.”

“That’s okay.”

He follows my gaze out the window. Snaking his arms around my waist, he props his chin on my shoulder. “What’s going through that head of yours?”

I take a deep breath and blow it out. “I’ve hindered my father’s recovery.”

“What do you mean?” He leans against the counter so he can look me in the eye.

“For the last six years I’ve treated him as if he were my child, and for the longest time, that’s how it was. But he’s gained so much strength. He can do a lot on his own now, and I’ve continued to treat him like a child.”

“You’ve taken care of him. Do you know how many people would do what you did? What you continue to do?”

He runs his fingers down my arm to my hand.

Tilting my head, I look at him. “Most people would do this for someone they love.”

“I disagree. There are a lot of selfish people in this world, and you are definitely not one of them. You put your entire life on hold to keep him out of a nursing home. You need to cut yourself some slack.”

Easier said than done when regret is involved. “He can feed himself, but it takes a while, and sometimes I get impatient. Or I’m stressed and it’s just easier to do things myself than wait for him. He’s never complained, until today.”

“Maybe it’s because you’re here. Maybe it’s us that’s making him uncomfortable.”

I shake my head. I know for a fact it’s not. I’ve spent an incredible amount of time with my father since his stroke, and I’ve learned to read him. I could see it in his eyes. He’s been wanting to say something for a while.

“I think he’s tried to tell me; I’ve just never listened.”

“Sounds like you need to sit down and have a talk with your dad.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I say, turning back toward the window. “He looks happy, though, right?”

“Yes. But are you happy?”

I sigh, resting my head back on Rhett’s shoulder when he steps up behind me. “More than I have been in a long time.” Turning in his arms, I splay my hands out across his chest, slide them over his broad shoulders, and push up on my toes to kiss his lips.

“Now, I have a surprise.”

I smile against Rhett’s mouth. “You’re sweet for planning a surprise, but I’m not sure I should leave Dad.”

“Too late. He’s already insisted that you come with me. I think his exact words were ‘That girl could use a few surprises in her boring life’. He’ll be here with my mom and dad.”

“He didn’t say that.” I laugh.

“Oh, yes he did. Come on.” Rhett pulls my hands, leading me toward the back door. “We won’t be gone long, an hour or two tops.”


sp; “An hour or two? What are you planning to do?”