“I have paperwork to do and I could use some help if you’re up for the task.”

Pickles stares up at me lazily and blinks twice before closing his eyes, unaware that I’m about to give him another chance at becoming an Animal Haven regular.

“Your eyes might be closed, but I know you can hear me, so listen up. You’re going to sit with me while I go through some files

and you’re not going to pick on Ruby. Absolutely no growling, hissing, biting, or slapping. If I see any of the above you’re going right back to your cage. Got it?”

Instead of responding, he yawns. As gently as possible, I lower Pickles to a makeshift bed on the floor near my desk. He lays there for a minute and then gets up. Pickles inches his way around the room sniffing every nook and cranny before walking toward Ruby. He sniffs her tail and then works his way up her body. When his nose meets hers, he nuzzles her and I imagine he’s saying come on, girl, get up and bark at me, but Ruby doesn’t move.

Pickles kneads at the floor beside Ruby, turns in a circle, and curls up in a ball, his back resting against Ruby’s belly.

I knew it, Pickles. I knew you were a big softy. Welcome to family.

Relieved at how well that went, I turn my attention back to the task at hand.

A typical day’s work may begin with mucking stalls or cleaning out cages, but there’s so much more to running a shelter than caring for the animals. I have to keep track of each animal, updating their progress and social skills, and it’s imperative I keep their files up to date. On top of that, I keep track of vet appointments, foster applications, adoption applications and volunteer applications. It’s tedious work, but someone has to do it.

I’m an hour into my work with files spread out in front of me when Pickles pushes up on all fours and arches his back in a giant stretch. He meanders across the room, winds his way between my ankles a few times, and curls up in a ball at my feet.

“I knew you could listen if you wanted to,” I whisper, grabbing a tuna flavored treat from my pocket and handing it to him under the desk. “Good boy.”

My cell rings, but I let it go to voicemail because this work won’t do itself. A second later I get a notification for a voicemail and then the office phone rings and I pick it up.

“Animal Haven.”

“Hey, beautiful. I just tried calling your cell.”

I smile at the sound of Rhett’s sexy voice. “Sorry, I didn’t even look to see who was calling. I’m trying to catch up on paperwork.”

“Do you need me to come back out there? I can help.”

“No, I’m good. You helped me a ton this morning. This is just boring stuff.”

“Are you sure?”


“Are we still on for tonight?” he asks.

I smile at the thought of seeing him again. “Of course.”

“And we’re still on for dinner at mom’s tomorrow?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I say.

“I’m glad you were able to talk your dad into coming.”

“It didn’t take much to convince him. He is thrilled to see your family.”

There’s a long pause and then Rhett clears his throat. “He’s probably not too thrilled about seeing me.”

It’s the first time Rhett has shown an insecurity about Dad’s feelings toward our break up, and I don’t like it. I want us to have a great time and enjoy everyone’s company without him being nervous or uncomfortable. “He doesn’t know everything that happened between us, Rhett, and I never made you out to be a bad person. It’s going to be fine, I promise. My dad loves you.”

I can almost hear Rhett relax through the phone. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear that.”

“You have nothing to worry about.”

“Okay, sweetheart. I’m going to let you get back to work. Call me if you need anything. I’ll see you tonight.”