“Good. Come on. You can have my bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“What? No.” She shakes her head. “Your shoulder…I can’t do that to you.”

“It’s not as bad as everyone’s making it out to be. Plus, I won’t sleep much anyway.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”


I startle awake to find Coop hovering over me.

“What the hell, dude? That’s creepy.”

“Why are you on the couch?”

Honesty is always the best policy. That’s what my mother says. In this case though, I’m exhausted, and it’s way too early to listen to my brother piss and moan about Nikki, so I decide to tell him a little lie in hopes that he’ll be long gone before she crawls out of bed.

“Must’ve passed out watching TV.” I pull the cover up and roll over. “Thanks for waking me up, asshole.”

“Where’s Nikki?”

I don’t answer right away, and Coop nudges me in the back.

“Don’t know. Don’t care,” I mumble.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

Coop walks down the hall. I hear the bathroom door shut, latch, and a few minutes later the shower turns on. A few minutes after that, the door to the spare bedroom opens and Nikki walks out. Her hair is an absolute mess—half of it plastered against the side of her face—and there’s something about seeing her rumpled that takes away from her usual edge.

“You look like shit.”

“Back at you, cowboy. Does Coop know I stayed?”


She purses her lips and shrugs. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Whatever you’re making, I guess.” I wiggle the fingers of my left hand. “Can’t do much with my good hand, remember?”

She grunts and disappears into the kitchen. I hear her rustle around in the refrigerator and then the cabinets, and within a few minutes the sizzle and smell of bacon and sausage fills the house.

I listen for the shower to turn off, and then a minute or so later the bathroom door opens.




“It’s about time you get your gimp ass up and cook me something for a change,” Coop says, sauntering into the kitchen in all his naked glory. If he’d only looked over, he would’ve seen me on the couch, but Coop’s always had a thing for food, so it’s no surprise that his nose and belly led him straight to the kitchen.

I watch from my perch on the couch as Nikki turns around. “I hope you like eggs, bacon, and—” Her screech nearly pierces my eardrums. “Oh my gosh!” She flounders about, trying to look at anything except Coop’s dick. “You’re naked, Cooper.”

Coop has no shame. “This is my house, darlin’, and I wasn’t planning on you being here. You don’t like my sausage, get out.”

Nikki’s eyes drop down Coop’s body and widen as he walks toward the stove, his dick swinging back and forth without a care in the world. He eyes the breakfast Nikki was cooking.