To my son, Kaden …

Try everything at least once.

Hold the door for a woman … and her hand.

Approach everything with an open heart.

Always be on time (punctuality is a virtue)

Call your mom every day.

It’s okay to cry.

Think before you speak.

Fall in love.

Say please and thank you.

Stay true to yourself.

Women are complicated—but so are men.

Wish on shooting stars.

Chase your dreams, and when you catch them, dream again.


“Are you crazy?”

The door flies open, hitting the wall behind it with a loud thud, and every man in the locker room—myself included—looks up. My manager, Nikki Atwood, is a sight to behold: big tits, plump ass, and thighs made to squeeze a man’s head. And tonight she is dressed to the nines. Any other woman in that outfit would look out of place in a room full of bull riders, but she makes it work. I know every man in here is wondering what it would be like to dirty her prissy little ass up a bit.

Except me.

Been there. Done that.

It’s not something I’m proud of, but I was young and dumb, and I refuse to dwell on mistakes of the past. And in my defense, when I slept with her, she wasn’t my manager. Not yet anyway, and I was nursing a broken heart. Had I known she would eventually slide into the role that had belonged to her father, I would’ve thought twice before getting my dick wet. But that doesn’t mean my decision to fuck her would’ve changed—because I was hurting, and she’s hot as hell, and any man would have a hard time turning her down—but maybe I would’ve given it more thought.

“I ride bulls for a living, darlin’,” I tell her. “I’d say crazy is part of the job description.”

“Don’t get cute with me, Rhett. You know damn well what I’m talking about. A bonus ride? On Lucifer no less.”

“I just walked out of that arena with a 92.2 score. Thought you’d be happier about that.”

“Oh, I am happy about that, and so are your sponsors.” She crosses her arms. “But imagine my surprise when I find out you signed up for a bonus ride. What were you thinking, and why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was thinking I could use the extra cash, and if I told you, you’d try to talk me out of it.”

Her brow creases, and for a split second I swear I see steam coming out of her ears.

“You’re damn right I would’ve talked you out of it.” Nikki stalks toward the middle of the room, plants her hands on her hips, and lifts an eyebrow at some of the other guys, a silent request that they get out.

Lincoln Bennett, my best friend in this business, is the first one to move. Pushing up from the floor, he shoots me a good luck look and taps some of the other guys on the shoulder. “Come on. Let’s give Rhett some privacy.” On his way out of the locker room, he tips his hat to Nikki. “Nicole.”

“Thank you, Linc,” she says.

She waits for the locker room to clear and then turns to me, eyebrows raised.

She’s not going to intimidate me. “What?”

“Don’t play dumb. You may be crazy as fuck, but no one ever called you dumb.”

“I don’t know what you want from me.” I shrug. “They offered a fifty-grand bonus if I stay on for eight seconds. I couldn’t pass that up.”

“They offered you fifty grand because no one has been able to stay on that damn bull for longer than four seconds.”