I smile triumphantly. “I took the afternoon off.”

“Why?” Dani asks, finally snapping out of her state of surprise.

“To help decorate Sal’s. Isn’t that what you’re doing today?”

“Yes, but I mentioned that in a text to you three weeks ago, and you never replied. I just thought you forgot or never saw it. I didn’t think you were coming.”

“Here I am.” I hold my arms out wide. “I’m yours for the day, and I left my phone in my car, so I won’t get distracted.”

“Who are you, and what did you do with my sister?”

“I’m trying to—”

“Give me a heart attack?”

“—do better.”

Understanding washes across her face. “Is this because of our conversation last week about you being married to your job?”


It’ll be easier to be honest if I’m doing something with my hands, so I open the first box and pull out a strand of garland. “I knew my job was taking over, and I let it, mostly because I don’t have anything better to do. It took that conversation for to me realize that I’m not going to find anything better to do if I don’t take a step back.”

“So, here you are?”

“Step one in the make Naughty nice plan: be present.”

Dani smiles. “You are nice.”

“You know what I mean.” I shrug and fiddle with a strand of lights. “I want to be more like you.”

“I think you’re perfect the way you are.” My sister pulls me in for a hug that lingers a little longer than normal. “I’ve missed you.”

“Well, remember that, because you’re about to get sick of me after I begin step two of my plan.”

“What’s step two?”

“I work tomorrow, and then I’ve got the entire week off. I don’t go back until after Christmas.”

“That’s great! And there’s no way I’ll get sick of you,” she says tightening her hold.

“I might,” Ben mumbles, winking when I glare at him.

Dani smiles at Ben. “Come on, Ben, bring it in. You know you want to join us.”

“Okay, but only because I’ve had fantasies similar to this,” he says, wrapping his big, strong arms around both of us.

“Eww.” Dani shoves an elbow into his side.

“I said similar,” he grunts. “In my dream you were both naked.”

“You’re lucky we love you, Ben.”

“Speak for yourself,” I wheeze. “I can’t breathe.”

“Sorry.” Ben releases us, and then Dani releases me.