‘You do not have any food.’ He closed the fridge door in disgust.

‘Maybe that’s because I only moved in a few hours ago.’

Gregorio held back a smile at the return of her sarcasm. Evidence that Lia was feeling slightly better? He hoped so.

‘Which begs the question—how did you know I’d moved in here today?’ She eyed him suspiciously.

Gregorio had known about the apartment in the same way he’d known about everything Lia had done in the two months since her father’s death. He was given daily reports on her movements by his head of security.

No doubt it was an intrusion into her personal life that Lia would take exception to if she knew about it. But it was Gregorio’s belief that the Fairbanks’s situation was not yet over, and until it was she would accept his protection whether she wanted it or not.

‘Drink your wine,’ he ordered dryly as he took his cell phone from his pocket.

‘Look, Mr de la Cruz—’

‘Gregorio. Or Rio, if you prefer,’ he added huskily. ‘That is what my family and close friends call me.’

‘Of which I’m neither. Nor do I intend to be,’ she added dismissively. ‘What are you doing...?’ She frowned as he made a call.

‘I had intended inviting you out to dinner, but now that I see how tired you are I am ordering dinner to be delivered to us here instead.’ Gregorio put the cell phone to his ear, his gaze remaining challengingly on Lia as he waited for the call to be picked up.

Lia was starting to wonder if she had fallen asleep in the bath and was having another nightmare. Because Gregorio de la Cruz couldn’t really be in her apartment, ordering dinner for both of them. Could he?

He certainly seemed real enough. Tall, muscular, and bossy as hell.

It seemed surreal after the months of torment she had just suffered through. Because of him.

Being a little unfair there, Lia, a little voice taunted inside her head.

Gregorio wasn’t responsible for the decline of her father’s company, nor the ailing economy. He had also been perfectly at liberty to withdraw his interest in buying Fairbanks Industries if he had decided the company wasn’t viable.

Lia did believe it was the withdrawal of that offer which had resulted in her father’s company being put under investigation, though, and only weeks later in her father’s heart attack and premature death.

She had to blame someone for all that, and Gregorio de la Cruz was the obvious person.

He had ended his call now, and was once again looking at her with those fiercely penetrating black eyes.

Lia’s heart skipped a beat. Several beats. The blood rushed hotly through her veins as she saw something stirring in the cold depths of those dark orbs. Gregorio continued to stare at her. Something that looked like a flickering flame was growing stronger, hotter by the second, and was sucking all the air from the room as well as Lia’s lungs.

She swallowed. Her heartbeat was now sounding very loud to her ears. So loud that surely Gregorio could hear it too? Lord, she hoped not! This man had kissed her once, and although Lia had slapped his face for it she had never forgotten it.

‘I’m really not hungry.’ She stood up to place the empty wine glass on the breakfast bar. Only to falter slightly as she realised how close to Gregorio she was now standing.

‘I doubt you have felt hungry for some time now,’ he acknowledged softly. ‘That does not mean your body does not need sustenance.’

Why did that sound so...so intimate—as if Gregorio wasn’t talking about food at all?

Maybe because he wasn’t?

Lia recognised the flame in his eyes for exactly what it was now. Desire. Hot, burning desire. For her. A desire he had demonstrated four months ago and which he obviously still felt.

She took a step back—only to have Gregorio take that same step forward, maintaining their close proximity.

She moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. ‘I think you should go now.’

‘No.’ He was standing so close his breath was a light caress across the soft tendrils of hair at her temples.

‘You can’t just say no.’