In the same way her father had known that David was none of those things. If he had lived, would her father have told her the truth about David? Or would he have continued to lie and cover up for the younger man because he wouldn’t have wanted to hurt Lia by exposing the true nature of the man she loved?

Lia hoped it would have been the former, and that her father would have realised she was strong enough to accept the truth.

None of which changed the fact that she had now fallen deeply in love with a man who was never going to want her as more than a friend with benefits.

‘I’ll be fine now,’ Lia assured Gregorio lightly as she pulled out of his arms. ‘Please go back to bed. Please.’

‘Sure?’ He studied her closely.

‘Sure.’ She nodded, keeping that bright look on her face until Gregorio had left the bedroom.

Which was when Lia closed her eyes and allowed hot tears to fall down her cheeks.


‘MIGHT I ASK what you are doing here, Sebastien?’

Gregorio’s brother had arrived at the hotel just minutes ago. Considering it was only eight o’clock in the morning, Sebastien had to have flown here in the second company jet overnight from New York. Almost immediately after the two men had concluded their telephone conversation the night before, in fact.

His brother stepped back from their brotherly hug. ‘You didn’t sound at all yourself when we spoke on the phone last night, Rio.’

He arched dark and sceptical brows. ‘And that was reason enough for you to immediately fly to London?’

Sebastien gave him a boyish grin. ‘That, and I wanted to see Lia Fairbanks for myself.’

Gregorio tensed. ‘Why?’

Sebastien’s grin grew even wider. ‘I wanted to meet the woman who has my big brother so tied up in knots.’

‘Stop talking nonsense,’ Gregorio snapped. ‘No doubt you would like a cup of coffee?’

He turned away to pour some of the strong brew he always made to accompany his breakfast. He had already drunk two full cups this morning, having been unable to fall asleep again after Lia’s nightmare. He had wanted to stay alert in case Lia needed him again.

‘No changing

the subject, Rio.’ Sebastien made himself comfortable at one of the high stools at the breakfast bar as he accepted the mug of coffee. ‘What’s so special about Lia Fairbanks?’ He kept his eyes on Gregorio as he took a swallow.


The thought had leapt unbidden into Gregorio’s head, and once there he couldn’t seem to dislodge it.

Lia was special. Very special. A woman who remained strong through adversity. Most women would have been hysterical after Richardson’s attack last night, but Lia had remained calm. And this was after she had lost her father only two and a half months ago and her engagement had ended—although after the events of yesterday she was probably relieved that it had.

As for the way the two of them were in bed together...

Lia was like none of the women Gregorio had known in the past. She gave not only with her body but with all that she was. Gregorio had never known a lover like her before.

Would he ever know another lover like her again?

‘Perhaps I’ll know the answer to that once I’ve met her?’ Sebastien was still eyeing him speculatively.

Gregorio felt an unaccustomed surge of possessiveness at the thought of Lia meeting Sebastien. Would she find Sebastien attractive, as so many other women did? The two brothers were very alike in looks, with their dark hair and dark eyes, and a similar build and height.

Would Lia find his brother easier to get along with than Gregorio?

That was a given. Gregorio was well aware that he lacked the charm and ease of manner Sebastien could so easily adopt if the need arose. And meeting a beautiful woman was definitely one of those occasions.

The thought of Lia gravitating towards Sebastien was enough to cause Gregorio’s hand to clench at his side and his fingers to tighten about his coffee mug until the knuckles turned white.