Gregorio arched a dark brow. ‘I have already seen you naked, Lia...’

She shot him an irritated scowl. ‘Not under these circumstances, you haven’t!’ She sighed as she realised she sounded ungrateful. ‘I’m sorry, Gregorio. I haven’t even thanked you yet for coming to my rescue earlier.’

‘Luckily Raphael recognised Richardson’s car and called me immediately.’ Gregorio leaned back against the tall chest of drawers he had placed her clothes in, arms folded across his chest, his expression unreadable. ‘What exactly did Richardson threaten to do to you?’

Lia wasn’t fooled for a moment by his relaxed posture, or the mildness of his tone. ‘I’m sure he wouldn’t really have—No, I’m not.’ She admitted with a grimace. ‘He was... I had no idea he could be like that. I owe you an apology, Gregorio. Another one. Everything you said about David is true.’

‘He is responsible for embezzling the money from your father’s company?’

‘Oh, yes.’

‘He admitted this to you?’

‘Amongst other things.’

She related everything David had said to her earlier that evening.

‘He was with your father the night he died...?’ Gregorio frowned.

Lia closed her eyes briefly before opening them again. ‘He said there was nothing to be done. That my father died almost instantly. But—’ She broke off, unable to say anything more on the subject without breaking down.

‘But,’ Gregorio acknowledged harshly, ‘you think he is responsible for killing your father?’

‘Only indirectly—in as much as he caused my father so much distress it brought on the heart attack.’

His mouth thinned. ‘I will find him, Lia. No matter what rock Richardson hides under, I will find him.’

‘I know you will.’ She nodded. ‘Would you mind very much if I don’t take a bath or a shower tonight? I’m tired and aching and I just want to go to sleep.’

‘Of course. Whatever you are comfortable with,’ Gregorio reassured her as he straightened away from the chest of drawers and crossed the bedroom to her side. ‘But I am going to help

you undress.’

Lia knew that tone only too well: it was one that told her Gregorio wasn’t going to be talked out of doing exactly what he said he would. And there was no arguing with the fact that he had already seen her naked.

‘Did Cathy pack something for me to sleep in?’ She stood up—only to have Gregorio reach out and grasp her uninjured arm to steady her as she tilted to one side. It was ridiculous how a little thing like a plaster cast and a sling could affect her balance.

‘Something that looks like an oversized T-shirt...?’

‘That’s it, yes.’

Lia almost laughed at the look of disgust on Gregorio’s face. No doubt he was used to the women in his life wearing silk and satin to bed—if they bothered to wear anything at all. Even when she’d been able to afford those things Lia had always preferred practicality and warmth in bed over appearing sexy.

‘Thank you for calling Cathy and Rick for me earlier. I—They’re the closest thing to family I have.’

‘I am aware of that.’ Gregorio spoke softly. ‘And I have already left instructions that they are to be admitted at any time.’

‘Thank you.’

He gave a rueful smile. ‘You are very polite this evening.’

‘About time, hmm?’

Gregorio shrugged. ‘You felt you had good reason to be...less than polite to me before.’

‘And I was wrong.’ She sighed. ‘About everything.’

‘Do not upset yourself. You know the truth now, and that is the important thing.’