She breathed deeply as she obviously fought a battle within herself. ‘Do you really think David would hurt me?’

Gregorio’s mouth tightened. ‘I believe that tod

ay you challenged and cornered a man who does not like to be thwarted in any way. By meeting him, saying the things you did, you have now made Richardson aware of some of your suspicions regarding him—if not all of them. It is never a good idea to allow the enemy to know what you are thinking or feeling.’

Lia eyed him quizzically. ‘Is that how you’ve become so successful? By treating everyone else as the enemy?’

He breathed in deeply. ‘You are angry with me and deliberately twisting my words.’

Lia was angry with herself—not Gregorio. After all that had happened these past few months she had still allowed herself to be a naïve romantic where Gregorio was concerned. She was twenty-five years old, and had already been used and manipulated by one man for his own selfish purposes. It was time she stopped romanticising and accepted that she and Gregorio had simply spent a pleasurable afternoon in bed together.

And now the afternoon was over.

She forced the tension from her shoulders and half smiled. ‘Let’s not part as bad friends, hmm, Gregorio?’

Gregorio’s eyes narrowed. Friends? Lia believed the two of them to be merely friends? After the afternoon they had just spent together?

‘Will we be friends with benefits?’ he mocked harshly.

‘No.’ She kept her gaze downcast. ‘What happened this afternoon will not happen again.’

‘You truly believe that?’ he scorned. The sexual tension between them crackled and burned even now. When they were arguing or when they weren’t.

She raised her chin as she looked at him, her gaze clear and unwavering. ‘It’s time I took charge of my own life, Gregorio,’ she stated flatly. ‘And that includes who I go to bed with.’

‘And it will not be me?’


Gregorio nodded abruptly. ‘Silvio will be waiting downstairs to accompany you when you are ready to leave.’

‘Thank you.’ Lia disappeared into the hallway, and there followed the sound of the bathroom door closing seconds later.

Gregorio made his call to Silvio and then turned to stare out of the window at the London skyline, his reflection showing him his expression was grim. This afternoon with Lia had been a revelation. She was correct in her belief that in the past twenty years he had bedded many woman. So many he had forgotten some of their names.

He would never forget Lia’s name.

Would never forget Lia.

She was unforgettable.

Not because she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Which she was.

Nor because she was the best lover. Which she was.

No, he would never forget her because she was Lia.

Fiery of temperament. Passionate of nature.


* * *

‘What happened to you yesterday—? Careful,’ Cathy warned as Lia’s hand jerked so suddenly she almost tipped her glass of water all over the table. The two women had met up at the gym after work, and were now enjoying a relaxing cold drink together in the bar there. ‘I expected you to telephone last night, but now I really want to know what happened yesterday.’

The other woman eyed Lia knowingly.

‘Which part?’ Lia couldn’t quite meet her friend’s gaze.