She sobered. ‘That was completely my fault. I felt defensive after Cathy and Rick arrived. But I should never have talked to you in that way.’ She moistened lips slightly swollen from the force of their kisses. ‘You drive me crazy too, Gregorio.’


Gregorio turned away as the lift reached the ground floor and the doors opened automatically to reveal a surprised Silvio and Raphael, waiting outside.

Gregorio made no move to separate himself from Lia. ‘Could you inform Mr Harrington that Miss Fairbanks will be spending the rest of the day with me in my suite?’ he told them, before once again pressing the button for the penthouse floor.

Lia giggled, and buried her face against Gregorio’s chest as the lift doors closed and they began their second ascent in as many minutes.

Gregorio had never heard Lia giggle before. It was pleasant. Warming.

An indication that she was happy?

Dios, he hoped so. Because there was no way he was going to be able to let her walk away from him again today.

Lia’s confidence faltered slightly as they stepped out of the lift into Gregorio’s suite. He was ten years older, and so much more experienced than she was. He’d had dozens of lovers, whereas she’d only had one—and not a very satisfactory one at that.

She had believed sexual compatibility to be of minor importance when she’d been with David. They’d loved each other, mixed in the same social circles, and their families had approved of the match. Her lack of sexual pleasure with David hadn’t seemed that important.

What an idiot I was.

A stupid, naïve idiot who, after reaching a climax in Gregorio’s arms while still fully clothed, couldn’t wait to experience that sexual release again.

David had always ensured he took his own pleasure, but what if she couldn’t satisfy Gregorio? What if—?

‘You think too much.’ Gregorio reached up and smoothed the frown from her brow. ‘First we will take a shower together.’

He clasped her hand in his as they walked down the hallway.

Was Gregorio expecting her to take all her clothes off and get in the shower with him?

Lia had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had seen photographs of the women Gregorio usually went to bed with, and although she took care of her body she knew she didn’t match up to those model-thin, toned-bodied blondes. Despite her weight loss, her breasts were firm and up-tilting, but a little too big for the slenderness of her waist. Her hips were too curvy—

‘You are still thinking too much,’ Gregorio murmured indulgently, turning to face her as the two of them stood in the middle of the terracotta-tiled bathroom. ‘You are very beautiful, Lia.’

He gently claimed her lips with his. Sipping. Tasting. Claiming.

Lia was so lost in her rising desire she wasn’t even aware of Gregorio removing her jacket, and then unfastening her blouse before dropping it to the floor with her jacket. Or of his unfastening of the zip of her skirt before that too slid down to join her jacket and blouse.

Heat blazed in her cheeks as Gregorio ended their kiss, stepping back, making her painfully aware that she was now wearing only a cream bra and matching panties, along with suspenders and stockings. And for some inexplicable reason she was still wearing her high-heeled shoes!

Lia wondered what Gregorio saw as his hands tightened about hers. His eyes were dark as he looked his fill of her from the top of her head to her ridiculous high-heeled shoes.

‘You are every one of my fantasies come to life,’ he approved darkly.

Lia somehow doubted that. ‘Aren’t you a bit overdressed for taking a shower?’ she said lightly, changing the subject.

He released her hands and stepped back and out of his shoes before stretching his arms out at his sides. ‘Undress me. No—keep your shoes on,’ he added gruffly as she would have stepped out of them.

‘Now who’s bossy?’ she teased.

‘Those high heels are very sexy.’

The burning in her cheeks seemed to have become a permanent fixture as Lia slipped the jacket from Gregorio’s shoulders and down his arms before placing it neatly on the vanity: the suit had probably cost more than Lia was going to earn in a month.

His eyes glittered down at her as she stepped forward to unfasten and remove his tie before undoing the buttons on his shirt.

Lia’s breath caught in her throat as she bared his chest, her fingers caressing lightly over that olive-toned flesh as she took off his shirt. His body really was beautiful—as perfect as any sculpture of a Greek god and yet, unlike a statue, warm and firm to the touch.