‘Thank you for the offer, Michael.’ Gregorio answered the other man smoothly. ‘But, as Lia says, I have another appointment in a few minutes.’

‘Oh. Okay. Fine.’ The other man looked slightly flustered. ‘I’ll leave the two of you to talk, then.’ He hurried off in the direction of his office behind the reception area.

‘I do not like your hair pulled back in that style.’

Lia raised an irritated gaze. ‘I really don’t give a—’

‘Language, Lia,’ Gregorio drawled.

‘Down?’ she repeated abruptly. ‘You told Michael you had come down to say hello to me...’ she said as Gregorio raised a questioning brow.

‘I occupy the whole of the penthouse floor of the hotel,’ he admitted without apology.

Lia’s heart sank down to wallow in all the blood that had already drained and congealed in her feet. ‘Is it possible that you own the Exemplar Hotel?’

‘It is part of the De la Cruz Hotel Group, yes.’ He gave a smile of satisfaction.


Lia had absolutely no doubt now that for reasons of his own Gregorio was involved up to his arrogant neck in her being given this receptionist job.

Gregorio’s satisfaction faded, his eyes narrowing as he recognised the flush gathering in Lia’s cheeks for exactly what it was. Anger. White-hot burning fury.

‘Do not do anything you will regret,’ he warned softly as she stood up.

‘The only thing I regret is actually thinking you were being nice to me on Saturday.’ She bent to retrieve her bag from under the desk, her eyes glittering accusingly as she glared across at him. ‘I’m going to take that early lunchbreak, after all. Perhaps you would like to clear that with your buddy Michael?’

‘He is not—’

‘Stay away from me, Gregorio!’ she hissed, leaning across the desk so that only he could hear. ‘Find some other mouse to ensnare in your trap, but leave me alone!’

Her cheeks were ablaze with colour as she marched the length of the reception desk, appearing on the other side of it before striding the length of the hotel lobby and out through the front door.

Gregorio very much doubted it was the right time to tell Lia that the staff of the Exemplar Hotel were not allowed to use the front entrance.

Well, that hadn’t gone as well as he might have hoped.


That seemed to be all he had where Lia Fairbanks was concerned, when she continued to resist and deny him at every turn.

Maybe ensuring she was employed at one of the de la Cruz hotels hadn’t been his best idea, but at the time, knowing of her lack of funds and the problems she was having finding suitable employment, it had seemed the right thing to do. Besides which, he knew Lia could do the job standing on her head.

She was warm, gracious, well-spoken, beautiful... And, having been her father’s long-time hostess and companion, she knew exactly what was required of a receptionist in a prestigious hotel.

He should have waited until a more suitable time, of course, to inform her that he owned the hotel where she now worked. But, having spent a frustrating day yesterday, wondering what Lia was doing and who she was with, and knowing she was downstairs working in the lobby of the hotel, Gregorio hadn’t been able to resist coming down at least to look her again.

Once he had seen her—as cool, calm and collected as he had known she would be—he hadn’t been able to stop himself from actually speaking to her.

Considering Lia’s fury when she left, he wasn’t sure she would be coming back.

* * *

‘So, how was your first morning at work?’ Cathy prompted excitedly the moment she sat down at the table where the two women had arranged to meet for lunch. ‘Met any gorgeous unmarried billionaires yet?’ she teased as she made herself more comfortable by shrugging off her jacket.

Oh, yes, Lia had met an unmarried billionaire. But Gregorio de la Cruz’s looks were compelling rather than pretty-boy gorgeous.

But he was a manipulator. He was having her followed. He had arranged for her to be employed at his hotel. He had literally taken away all her options. Until he owned her body and soul.