“I love you,” she whispered and felt him squeeze her close.

“I love you too.”

Caia pulled back to gaze up at him, smiling at the relief of it all being over, that they could finally be together in peace.

“Caia,” he breathed … and the sound was followed by a sickening wet whisper of metal through flesh. Lucien’s eyes widened in surprise, his mouth falling open in shock. Blood poured out in its wake. He collapsed to his knees and Caia reached for him with a soundless scream, helpless to do anything as the sword that had torn through his heart twisted full circle. Lucien’s eyes emptied, his expression going slack as he disappeared, leaving only a body that tumbled into the sand, a gory photograph of what had once been the real man.

“NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” Caia screamed, falling beside his body, stunned out of action as she glanced around for the killer. There was no one there. A sob broke from deep in her heart and she cried over her mate’s corpse.

The cold solidity of it vanished, and Caia fell face-first into the sand. Propping herself up, spitting the beach out of her mouth, her hands searched the ground for Lucien. He was gone. Looking around she realized she was no longer on the beach. She was in a room that seemed familiar. A child’s room filled with toys and books. Familiar toys and books. A scream rent the air, and terror exploded through her. Mama! she cried inwardly, hugging her small knees to her chest, shuffling back against the headboard of the bed she now sat on. Growls and howls reached her ears from the outside, and she jumped at the crescendo of items crashing on the ground floor of the house.

“ELIZA!” she heard her father scream, and she scrambled forward on the bed, hearing his footsteps pounding down the hall. Her bedroom door burst open and her father stood there, pale and grief-stricken. He clutched his chest, and it was then she noticed the swamp of thick blood soaking his entire upper body.

“Run,” he ordered hoarsely, and then collapsed.

Instinct took hold. She must always listen to Daddy! Shutting out the sight of him dying on her floor, she turned to the tall window beside her bed and hitched it up with all her might. Rucking up her nightgown, her whole body trembling, she climbed through it and fumbled for purchase on the wall creeper that allowed her mother’s ivy to decorate the wall outside. A blast of power shot past her shoulder, sending shards of glass in every direction. She felt little cuts slice through her skin like bee stings but it only made her move faster. She swung herself fully onto the creeper and scuttled down it. Thank goddess, she was on the first floor.

“GET HER!” an unfamiliar voice screamed as her bare feet touched grass. She turned and stared out over the garden. Beyond the garden was her father’s land and beyond that, a lake, and beyond that, woods. If she could get to the woods, she could hide.

Caia jerked awake, sucking in a rush of air in her panic. Eliza. The little girl from the Septum! The little girl may not have recognized the voice that screamed “Get her!” but Caia would know it anywhere. Marita was going after Eliza Emerett, and it was all her fault.

She jumped out of the bed she’d been given in the hotel and hurried into her clothing. She had to save Eliza, and there was no time to wait. Drawing on her energy, she used a communication spell to take her to Vil and Laila’s room, praying she wouldn’t interrupt anything. It was daytime, after all. She snorted at herself. Like that would stop them. Thankfully she didn’t, but her energy shook the two magiks awake from a nap.

“Caia, wha—”

“No time to explain.” She rushed to Vil, throwing his jeans at him. “Put these on and take me to Eliza Emerett’s home. Specifically the gardens!”

Caia had never adored anyone more in that moment as he pulled on his jeans and gripped her arm without a word of question. She could have kissed him!

The travel was rocky, probably because Vil was still half-asleep, so they got there feeling a little woozy. The sounds of growls and shrieks met their ears instantly, and Vil paled as he realized what she’d gotten them into. Perusing their surroundings, her heart thumped as she saw the little white figure in the dark a few hundred yards ahead of them.

“There, Vil, take me to her!” She pointed and they were gone again, back within seconds.

“Oomph!” Vil grunted, and Caia shook herself together in time to see Vil wrap his arms around Eliza who had ran straight into them. She struggled and cried, and he fought to hold on to her.