Reuben had called Vanne, and after explaining what Caia needed to discuss, Vanne had granted them entry to the Center. Caia hadn’t been expecting a reception, but on the other side of the portal stood Vanne, Alfred Doukas, and Penelope Argyros, and they were surrounded by other magiks acting as bodyguards. The Center was electrified with the news of Caia’s return, and she could feel the stares heating the back of her neck as she was taken through corridors she’d never walked before. Disappearing behind the group were the cold magnolia walls and tough tiled floors she’d thought made up most of the Center’s décor and appearing before them were plush carpeted corridors and mahogany-paneled walls.

Finally, they came to what looked like a waiting room with eight-foot grand double doors beyond it. Caia stopped apprehensively. Something didn’t seem right. No one had spoken since they were greeted at the portal, and … what was this place?

Penelope spun in her kitten heels, smiling gently at Caia, and she felt a little better. It seemed Alfred and Penelope genuinely liked her, so maybe convincing the Council wouldn’t be so difficult after all.

“Caia.” Penelope nodded to the waiting room. “If you would like to take a seat while Saffron and Reuben follow me. We’ll be back for you in a few minutes.”

Caia looked to Reuben, and she noted the look of realization on his face as he shared a glance with Saffron. They knew what was happening. Why the hell didn’t she?

“What’s going on?” she asked warily.

“You’ll understand in a moment,” Alfred assured her.

Saffron scowled at him. “Mr. Doukas, can you not tell her? It could come as a shock.”

What could come as a shock? Holy Artemis, what on Gaia’s green earth was going on here? Do not hyperventilate. “Yeah.” She bobbed her head. “Tell me.”

Doukas shook his head after throwing Saffron a reproving look. “It’s not the way it’s done, Caia. I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait. Reuben, Saffron … please follow us.”

It was only then that Caia noticed the insignificant-looking side door on the adjacent wall to the double doors. Just as they were all about to disappear through it (and no, she couldn’t get a look beyond them to see what the Hades was on the other side), she threw up a hand. “Uh, Saffron, tell them about the Krôls.”

The faerie nodded and bent to speak with Penelope as they disappeared through the door; Caia gathered she was imparting the pivotal information.

It felt like forever, sitting there, waiting, gradually growing so anxious, she was sure she was going to upchuck all over the waiting-room floor. Nothing had ever seemed to take as long as this wait did.

Dear goddess, she was actually going mad from the wait. Her eyes bored into the double doors, wishing (and not for the first time) if she had superpowers, why couldn’t they include X-ray vision? Seriously, what was going on behind those damn doors, and why was it so damn quiet out here?

Her heart jolted at a loud creaking and her eyes widened as the double doors slowly opened out toward her. She stood on trembling legs and gaped as a tall, young magik she recognized as a member of the Council stared at her pensively. His name was Derren. He was the magik who had gone undercover to discover the labs.

“Caia Ribeiro,” his voice echoed behind and beyond him. “Please enter the Court of the Council.”

The what of the what?

There was no time to ask; he was already spinning on his heel. Caia hurried to follow, only seeing a high, dark wooden wall carved with images of warfare. As she drew past the doors, however, her heart nearly exploded in her chest. At either side were stairs leading up into a room with the highest ceiling she’d ever seen, a ceiling so grand it could’ve been painted by Michelangelo himself.

But the heart thudding had more to do with the faces she could see peering down at her from above the stairs. Derren waited at the top of the set to her left. Tentatively, Caia climbed them and as she did so, she saw over the carved wooden wall. The stairs led up to a massive circular room. In the center was a round platform ringed by rows of benches that rose away from the floor at a steep gradient. The rows were filled with inquisitive Daylights peering at her in a mixture of anxiety and excitement. At the farthest end of the hall, in the front row benches, sat the Council, waiting expectantly. Reuben and Saffron were seated with them beside Vanne.

“Follow me,” Derren demanded, and Caia crossed the platform, surprised her legs didn’t buckle. The hush that filled the hall was crippling, all eyes burning into her. Was the entire Center here? She felt her cheeks heat under their watchful eyes. The funny thing was, she thought she might be able to cope better if she were in wolf form.