“Magnus, I’ll drive with Lucien,” she said quietly.

The Elder frowned. “No, honey, you don’t have to—”

“I want to,” she cut him off, giving Lucien a pointed look.

He smiled gratefully back at her. “Yeah, Magnus. You take Caia’s place in Ella’s car.”

“If you’re sure.” He didn’t waste time arguing. Ella’s car was way more comfortable. He nodded and made his way over to it.

“Thanks.” Lucien gazed lovingly down at her.

“Hey, Lucien.” Rose appeared around the corner of the house, and Caia’s stomach flipped. It was such an inappropriate time to be jealous, but she hated that Rose was here with them. Apparently it was thought she’d be safer with the pack for now, since Marita probably knew she had betrayed her. It was nice having her mate’s ex-lover living with them. Really nice.

“Caia.” She nodded at her but turned her bright smile back on Lucien. “I thought maybe I could save Magnus a numb butt and offer to ride with you instead.”

I hate her.

“That’s nice, but Caia’s already offered.”

“Oh, you don’t have to, Caia,” Rose tried to insist.

Caia glared at her. “No, I do.”

Rose had the graciousness to look abashed at least. “Of course. I’ll just ride in one of the cars.”

As soon as she was out of earshot, Lucien sighed. “You know, you don’t have to be jealous. You can be nice to her.”

His tone was prickly. Actually prickly.

“I’m not jealous,” she snapped. “And don’t talk to me like that.”

“I’m just saying, there’s nothing between us anymore.”

“Yeah, maybe for you but not for her, Lucien. Come on … the way she looks at you—”

“Is her problem. Not ours. Can you please get in the van? Not the time for this, Caia,” he admonished, and she immediately felt guilty.

She bit her lip. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” She shuffled around to the van’s passenger side like a scolded child. She frowned as she caught Jaeden and Ryder out of the corner of her eye.

“I don’t want to!” Jae snapped and pulled out of Ryder’s grip before loping over to the car Alexa and Mal were going to be riding in. Ryder growled, staring after her with a look of pure frustration. He shook his head angrily and turned, jumping into the rented moving van he would be driving. Caia didn’t know why Jaeden was pushing Ryder away, but if it didn’t stop soon, she knew Ryder would blow a gasket.

Caia sighed again and looked around. There were only twenty-three members of the pack left, and they were all organizing themselves into the cars. With them were Vil, Laila, Reuben, and Rose. Jason and two other magiks Alfred had sent stood off to the side, and Caia held up her hand to them in a grateful wave. They nodded back in acknowledgment but stood stiff and vigilant as the pack geared themselves up to leave their home.


The Ultimatum

Jaeden always assumed grief would feel the same no matter who the person was you lost. With Sebastian’s death had come a heartbreaking ache, a bitterness for how short his life had been, and an everlasting gratitude that someone had loved her enough to face death to save her.

Losing her dad was completely different. She just felt … so alone.

She could barely breathe for the crushing weight she carried on her chest every minute of the day. Her stomach churned constantly, and it was like a thick fog she couldn’t make her way through had descended over her. Her dad had been her everything. They were more alike than anyone else in the family, and they’d understood one another better than anyone else ever could because of it. His presence in her life, no matter where she’d been, had offered a kind of comfort and protection she couldn’t get anywhere else. Everything was always all right because, no matter what, she had her dad to run to … and somehow he always made it better.

And now he was gone. She was so alone and terrified because without him, a part of her no longer made sense.

She shifted uncomfortably in the back seat, her throat burning with the agony of repressed tears. Her head already ached like a bitch from her crying jags. Her gaze slid toward Alexa who sat in the passenger seat next to their designated driver, Reuben. Mal and Finlay shared the back seat with her. It was weird the person she felt closest to at the moment was Alexa, but out of everyone in the pack, she knew Alexa had been as close to her dad as Jae had been to Dimitri. And at least she still had her mom. Alexa had lost both her parents. So if anyone could understand the magnitude of her wrath, it was Alexa.

She glanced at Mal. He was so changed. He used to tease and flirt like life was one big joke. But he’d lost his parents, his best friend, and his on-again, off-again girlfriend all in one fell swoop.