“See?” Reuben nodded. “A trigger.”

Magnus, who had been leaning in closer and closer to the TV to hear Harry Potter, had given up and clicked it off with a frustrated press of the remote. He strode toward the group. “Reuben’s right. Let’s not forget it was only when Lucien was being tortured by Ethan that Caia splattered … smooshed … whatever it was she did to him.”

Jaeden smiled at him. “And she only killed those magiks when Lucien was in danger in the forest.”

“And I blew up a tree once,” Caia muttered, but with lykan hearing they all whipped around, pinning her with amused glances. She blushed. “I was pissed off at him.” She smiled adoringly up at Lucien. “I’m not anymore, sweetie.”

Lucien looked like he wanted to ask what she’d been pissed off at him for, but Jaeden snickered. She couldn’t help it. They looked at her. She gestured at Lucien pointedly. “Sweetie.”

Ryder chuckled and pulled her into his side. “Don’t make the Alpha mad, baby.”

Before she could retort with something flirtatious, Alexa was on her feet. “So … what? We can’t expect Caia to save our asses unless Lucien’s is under fire?”

Caia blushed again, but Reuben shook his head. “Not at all.” He pinned Cy with his gaze. “We’re going to train you.”

“Uh, how about asking her?” Jae snapped.

Lucien growled and Jae bristled. Rose smirked, which made Jaeden want to tear out that pretty red hair or maybe throw her in a room with Alexa and hope the two of them took care of each other.

“Guys!” Caia stepped away from Lucien and gestured at them all. “I’m a big girl. I can speak for myself. And Reuben’s right.”


“You can’t—”

“Be ser—”


“Shut up!” Magnus demanded. “Let the girl speak.”

Caia smiled gratefully at her uncle and then spoke directly to Reuben, “I want you to help me if you can.”

“And you’ll do what I asked?”

“I’m still thinking on it.”

“You have one night to sleep on it.”

“That’s a little unfair.”

“What are you talking about?” Lucien frowned, stepping between them. Ah, so Caia hadn’t told Lucien yet about what Reuben wanted her to do. Yup … that wasn’t going to go down well. There was no way Lucien would ever forgive her for killing Daylights.

“We’ll talk in the morning,” Reuben commanded, and she saw the way Lucien flinched. He was used to being the one who gave the orders. “Get some sleep. We’ll get you all back to the pack tomorrow.”


The Pawn

“Whoa … this place looks different,” Caia said as she strolled into Marita and Vanne’s suite. Before, it had combined their individual tastes (heavy on the wife’s), but now all Marita’s stuff was gone and in its place were sofas and mahogany tables, and a great big old library desk that looked like it cost more than Caia’s once-upon-a-time, brand-new car. On the walls hung paintings of hunting scenes and birds rather than sumptuous Renaissance debauchery. The lamps with vine-leaf stands had been replaced with green banker’s lamps. There was even an old-fashioned globe. Come to think of it, Caia had seen very similar décor once before elsewhere. Caia smiled at Alfred Doukas as he stood to greet her.

Alfred’s study. Of course.

They had made Doukas Regent while Marita was AWOL. Caia had awoken to that news, as well as the request for her presence after breakfast. It had been difficult to pull herself out of Lucien’s embrace, but at least her shoulder barely ached now.

“You know, there’s still a few hours till after breakfast.” Lucien had grabbed her gently, trying to pull her back into bed.

Caia had rolled her eyes. “Aren’t you tired out from last night?”

He grinned, eyeing her suggestively. “Hey, I wasn’t the one who started it. I was going to leave you alone because of your shoulder, but nooo … you needed your dose of Lucien Love.”

Caia grunted. “Keep calling it that and I’m sure I’ll be cured of needing a dose of Lucien Love ever again.”

He frowned. “How’s the shoulder?”

“Good. Ahhhh!” She squealed as he hauled her back into bed, rolling her over so she was pinned beneath him. She tried to shake him off, but he just laughed and peppered her face with kisses. The relief that he wasn’t throwing things around in a fit of rage after she’d told him what Reuben wanted still amazed her. He actually understood why Reuben could be so ruthless.

“Two thousand years of death would do that to you.”

He said he trusted Caia to make the right decision. The depth of his understanding floored her, and she took advantage of him being in the same room with a bed numerous times throughout the night.

“Lucien, stop.” She giggled. “I have things to do. I have to check Desi and see if she’s all right before I head up to see the Council.”

“I know,” he mumbled and then bit down gently on her ear as his hand slid up over her ribs. She gasped, falling into the deliciousness that was being with him and knowing he was safe … and hers completely.