“Caia!” Jaeden ran to her as she tried to get up. Jae grabbed her arm, and the pain set off another stream of screams and curses.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry … oh gods, look what they’ve done. Oh, Cy …” Her eyes swept helplessly over her friend.

Jeez, she must look a mess, she thought wearily.

“It’s fine,” Caia croaked, her throat rough from the recent asphyxiation. “Just give me a minute.” One of the lykans parted from the pack, her fur a beautiful raven black. She was a smaller version of Lucien in wolf form, except for the streak of silver that ran from between her eyes to the tip of her black shiny nose. She whined as she approached Caia and stopped to nuzzle her face before licking her cheek.

“I’m okay.” Caia stroked the lykan’s head. “I’m okay, Irini. Really. Thanks for the help.”

The bing of the elevator doors startled them all, and they spun to face the next enemy, Jaeden’s hand braced in front of her, ready to use her telekinesis once more. A surge of pride ran through Caia. Jae was getting good at controlling her powers.

Her pulse slowed when Reuben stepped out, followed by Vanne and a couple of the Council members’ families. Reuben’s eyes narrowed as he took in the scene and then darkened with a menacing disquiet on Caia’s near-prone form. He strode toward her, brushing past Jaeden rudely.

“What happened?” he asked softly, dropping to his haunches beside her, his eyes taking in her injuries.

“I’m fine.” She shook him off, unnerved by his concern. “I just need a minute.”

He nodded tautly and stood to face Jaeden. Caia couldn’t see his expression, but Jaeden tensed—it couldn’t be good.

“Where were you?” he said, his voice low with anger.

Jae’s jaw dropped. “Where was I—”

“Hey!” Caia yelled weakly at him. “It’s not her fault. I shoved her back into the elevator and stupidly took on Marita and the others by myself.”

The vampyre rolled his eyes at her. “Acting the hero is going to get you killed.”

Annoyed at his proprietary tone, Caia drew up all her energy and stretched onto all fours. She curled her lip at him. “Don’t worry, vampyre, I’m not going to get myself killed and ruin all your plans.”


But she wasn’t listening to him anymore. She pushed the change and a flow of beautiful, warm energy rushed through her body, soothing her aches. She gave a bark of jagged pain as a rib sealed back into place. She hadn’t even known one had cracked. As her muzzle grew out from her nose and her head morphed into wolf, her ears kicking back with the shock of how fast it was, Caia felt a new tooth grow in where the other had come out. Her wolf eyes watered a little, but she was reassured by the fact that she wouldn’t have to glamour a new tooth and that her burns and blisters would heal enough to leave her with only red marks. Her skin would be a little sensitive, but at least she wouldn’t be in agony.

When she was sure her wolf had healed her as much as it could, Caia changed back, magikally clothing herself in well-worn jeans and a black T-shirt. Jaeden was by her side in an instant, helping her to her feet.

“You okay?” she asked anxiously.

Caia could curse Reuben for making the girl feel bad. “I’m good, thanks.” She turned to her waiting comrades and then glanced at the containment center door. Lucien was right on the other side. Her heart flipped at the thought of seeing him. Goddess, it had felt like forever. “Let’s just get everyone out.”

Vanne strode by the lykans still standing around their kills. He threw the magiks a quick glance and seemed to shake his head in pity, muttering under his breath. Even from a distance, Caia could make out the words with her lykan ears. She wouldn’t repeat them. They were kind of foul … something about Marita and Hades … with a lot of bad words thrown in.

He nearly ripped the containment center door off its hinges, and Caia rushed to follow him inside.

She was so distracted by the thought of finding Lucien, she was barely aware of Vanne’s heartfelt curse before he ducked in front of her. She soon realized why: he was avoiding the huge lykan that flew at him. Instead it landed square on Caia’s chest, sending her crashing into Jaeden who’d been right on her heels. Jaeden stumbled and fell to the floor, taking Caia and the lykan with her.

Caia ducked the lykan’s ferocious wide jaws as it lunged for her face and then screamed as its teeth clamped around her shoulder and tore into her skin. She felt it rip through muscle and bone, and the nausea sent her head lolling back, black spots floating in front of her eyes.