“Wow.” Vil smiled at Reuben, his pale eyes glittering. “You masked my trace? Thank you.”

“From us both,” Laila added sweetly.

“Hey, hey!” Jae jumped to her feet, a growl burrowing out from the back of her throat. “Don’t thank him!” She turned on Reuben, her eyes brimming with outrage and hurt. “You tricked me. Lied to me. Used me!”

Caia was unsurprised by his stoic nod and matter-of-fact response. “Yes.”

Jaeden stilled.

Oh goddess, Caia groaned inwardly.

“Yes?” Jae whispered. “Yes? That’s all you have to say? I could kill you!”

As she lunged toward him, Caia threw up an invisible barrier between them, causing Jae to bounce gently off it. She snarled and whipped around to glare at her.

Caia shrugged wearily. “Believe me, it’s for your own good.”

“Like he would dare hit me back.”

I wouldn’t be so sure. Caia raised an eyebrow, and they both looked at Reuben who shrugged. “If the attack is unprovoked … I hit back.”

“Unprovoked,” Jae spluttered.

For Gaia’s sake.

“Jeez, Reuben, could you at least try here?” Caia pleaded.

“OK, maybe she’s been a little provoked.”

“You used her. She thought you were her friend.”

“She is standing right here,” Jaeden snapped.

Reuben shrugged again. “I am her friend. It was just … necessary. I don’t apologize for what is necessary.”

Jae snorted. “Oh.” She crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “So, coming on to me was necessary, was it?”

Caia hadn’t known about that part.

Reuben grinned. “Nah, that was just fun.”

“You’re a creep.”

“I’ve been called worse.”

Sure that if she let them, their argument would continue on into the wee hours of the morning, Caia stood to interrupt. “If we’re done, may I suggest we get a move on?”

“Please.” Reuben nodded.

Jaeden didn’t look very happy about her grievance being dismissed, but she nodded reluctantly, along with Vil and Laila, and sat back down again. “What’s the plan?”

Taking a deep breath, Caia laid it out for them. “First, we approach the families of the Council members who have been imprisoned. Believe me, they will be happy to help. Second—”

“Wait,” Vil interrupted, “I know Reuben is masking my trace, but how can we contact all those people without Marita being alerted to it?”

The vampyre’s expression didn’t change. He responded blandly, “I’m masking a number of traces at the moment. Another few shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Another few,” Jaeden grunted. “We’re talking about at least ten magiks.”

“More, actually.” Caia sighed. “After we gather some magiks from that group, I’m going to approach the MacLachlans for help. Including Phoebe, they have another four lykans among them capable of fighting. After that, we’re returning to Lucien’s, where Reuben will mask the trace of the guards and the entire pack so Marita won’t be alerted that we’ve taken the guards out and rescued the pack.”

“That’s at least forty people. How—”

“Maybe more,” Reuben interrupted, irritation bubbling under his tone. “It’s not a problem.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re like a million years old or something. It’s completely gross how decrepit you are … thank goddess I didn’t go down that road. Ugh, can you imagine—”

“Jae,” Caia warned, and her friend’s eyes glittered darkly, as if Caia had betrayed her. “I know you’re angry. You have every right to be. But I need us all acting as a team if we’re going to do what we’re about to do.”

“Which is what exactly?” Laila inquired quietly.

“We’re going to break Lucien, Ryder, the pack children, and the Council out of the Center’s prison … and then we’re going to take the Center from Marita.”


“No frickin’—”

“Oh my—”

“Be quiet,” Reuben’s cold voice rumbled around the room like an earthquake. Silence settled in its wake.

Caia rolled her eyes at him but refrained from commenting. “We can do this. Vanne told us that I still have a few followers in the Center, including a lot of the Travelers. He’s very kindly reopened the portal at Magic Fitness so we can get in. We’ll go over the strategy for takeover once we have everyone assembled and ready to fight.”

“You really think this will work?” Jaeden bit her lip nervously.

“As long as we can get the Council out, yes.”

Suddenly a blur of color erupted in front of Ryder’s television and Saffron was before them, her usually expressionless face twisted in rage … and grief.

Reuben was the first to shoot out of his chair.

“Saffron?” he queried, striding toward her quickly. She braced a hand against his chest, her fingers curling into his shirt. Her uncharacteristic display of emotion put Caia on immediate alert.

“Reuben,” she hissed, her wide blue eyes searching his. “It’s Marion.”

Caia felt her breath leave her. “Marion. What about Marion?”

Saffron realized they weren’t alone and let go of Reuben’s shirt. She didn’t move away from him, however, their body language betraying their close relationship. “Caia.” She nodded deferentially at her. “Marion is … I tried everything but …”

“What’s happened to her?” Caia demanded, fear pulsing through her veins. Not Marion, not Marion. Please …