An order rose from the Midnight Council and faeries in the front line moved in to help while the magiks that had stood to the far right closed ranks, covering the gap in the line.

Caia watched on in horror as screams and whines rent the air as cats fought cats, and vultures swooped onto the elephants and rhinos, pecking at their eyes to blind them. Even from her position, she could see blood flowing in the sand.

“Vampyres!” Alfred bellowed. “Front and second line! Move forward!”

Led by Reuben, the vampyres sped off in a blur of movement. Caia felt the earth behind her tremble as the magiks who’d guarded at the back of her closed in, in front of the Council. The vampyres were in among the battle in no time, and the urge to throw up grew greater as she watched the mass of struggling bodies. Most of the elephants and rhinos had disappeared in the crowds. Caia assumed they were either wounded or they found fighting as a cat more efficient.

When the magiks guarding the Midnights’ front line moved in on the battle, sparks of fire and cascades of water crashed through the air onto the scene. Caia felt the change in the atmosphere as air magiks began to fight; she watched as huge rocks came out of nowhere and crushed the Daylights underneath them as earth magiks triumphed.

It all seemed like moments, but Caia knew she’d been standing shivering with terror for a long time.

“Lykans!” Alfred screamed. “Take out those magiks!”

As the wolves rushed across the sand, Caia morphed instantly into her own wolf self and ran with them. The sand didn’t kick up around them as they sprinted, and the ground acted as a wonderful springboard for their flight. The air rushed by in fragile lightness, and Caia realized just how perfect the spellcasters had made this terrain for them.

The lykans collided into the fold, tearing magiks who screamed in outrage. Gore and body parts flew; jaws clamped on necks, sending spurts of blood everywhere. Caia changed and instantly put up a shield as rocks and earth shattered against it. She caught the eye of the magik who’d targeted her and narrowed her eyes, flooding his lungs with water. He gasped and fell to the ground.

She then turned, pulling witches and warlocks off lykans and faeries with her magik, dousing vampyres who’d been set on fire, rescuing faeries by sending up shields. She was battered and targeted, exhausted by her need to defend not only herself but others while also being on the offensive.

Magik came out of nowhere, and Caia felt her lungs squeeze as they filled with water. She fell to her knees, grasping at her throat as a woman approached with victory in her eyes. There was a blur of movement and the water dissipated and she could breathe again. Reuben stood before her with the woman’s head in his hands, her body already decomposing on the sand.

“You’re welcome.” He grinned and then was off into the fight at warp speed.

Caia’s eyes took in a sight she would never forget. The ground swam with blood and pieces of supernaturals. Insides spilled onto the sand, limp hands trailing into the gore. Blank eyes of Daylights and Midnights alike looked up at her as she stumbled over their bodies. The noise of the battle grew muffled as she dove in front of a tiger, a bolt of fire heading toward it. Her water hit the fire, and the magik canceled out.

The tiger growled and sprang at the attacking warlock, its claws slicing Caia’s arm as it swiped at the enemy. Caia hissed back a growl at the stinging agony and looked down at the bleeding claw marks on her arms. She turned as the warlock’s muffled screams reached her ears. She couldn’t imagine how painful his death was if a “scratch” like this hurt so badly. Dazed, Caia morphed her hand into wolf and back and then spun around. Immediately her heart exploded in her chest.


Her eyes darted from witch to warlock as one by one, they pulled out vials of golden liquid and threw it into the air, controlling it with their magik as it descended on the nearest lykan. A girl shuddered back into human form, followed by an older female, followed by Alistair MacLachlan. Stunned, she stood unable to comprehend that the fluid discovered by Pierre du Bois had found its way into Midnight hands again and she hadn’t known about it.

A young lykan girl went up in flames. Caia roared in disbelief and threw up her hands, a tidal wave appearing among the battle. Like last time, she tried to avoid Daylights but was afraid some were soaked despite it. The wave crashed down on two of the offending Midnights, and Caia rushed the water into their mouths. She saved Alistair, and the Alpha began changing back into wolf—Caia put up a shield around him to let him do so.