“Thank you. Were we still going to the art gallery tonight?”

“No, actually,” he said, pulling out two silver tickets from his wallet. “I got us last minute tickets to tonight’s football bonfire.”

“The bonfire was yesterday.”

“This is the unofficial one that’s hosted by the team, off campus.”

“Is that even legal?”

"No." He laughed. "It'll probably get shut down like all their other parties, but I figured we can go to my place afterward since it’s right down the street.”

“Okay. So, we can go to the art gallery this weekend, then?”

“Um. Well, I guess it depends on how tonight goes.”

“Are you planning to grade me on how loudly I cheer for the team?” I smiled. “If that’s the case, you can go ahead and give me an ‘F’ because that’s not happening.”

“No.” He laughed. “It’s regarding something else happening.”

I brought my coffee to my lips, taking a slow sip. “I’m confused.”

“This is like our tenth date, Charlotte.”

“It’s only our sixth.”

“Well, it feels like our eighth because we went out a few times this summer,” he said. “I’ve spent like sixty dollars on you so far—not including today’s coffee and the bonfire tickets, and I feel like I’m not seeing any type of return on my investment. Most girls let me hit it on at least date four or five, and you’re holding out past the rule.”

What the fuck? “I’m sorry. What did you just say?”

“That came out the wrong way.” He reached across the table and clasped my hand, but I jerked back. “I do really like you, Charlotte, that’s a fact. But if I’m going to spend my entire senior year dating one person, I need to make sure it’s more than worth my while. There are tons of other girls on this campus who won’t hold out past the rule.”

I downed the rest of my coffee in one gulp and stood to my feet.

“Wait,” he said, grabbing my hand again. “I mean, maybe we can go on a few more dates, but we’ll have to fuck at some point. It’s not like either of us is a virgin or something, so I just don’t get why it’s too much to ask. I did say that I really liked you.”

“Go fuck yourself, Peter.” I snatched the bonfire tickets off the table and left the café, heading straight for the Engineering Building. Straight for Nadira’s work-study office.

“You know my supervisor hates you, right?” She looked up at me as soon as I shut the door. “She claims you’re a bad influence on my work.”

“No, that’s what my supervisor says about you.”

“Same thing.” She laughed. “Did Peter cancel on you or something?”

“No, he revealed that he’s a douchebag, just like every other guy I’ve dated here.” I slumped into a chair. “Maybe I should start all my introductions with something different next time. How about, ‘Hey, my name is Charlotte. I grew up in a small town with strict parents who refused to let me date until my last semester of high school. I haven’t found anyone worthy of losing my virginity to, and it probably won’t be you’.”

“I think that’s a great idea.” Eric’s voice suddenly came over her phone’s speakers. “It would save a lot of these guys some time!”

“You’re being dramatic,” Nadira said. “Being a virgin isn’t that big of a deal, but we’ve already told you that not too many guys are looking for long-term relationships in college. Especially without sex. So, just focus on yourself and make it clear that you’re not interested in being more than friends.”

“I walked all the way across campus for some advice and this is what you’re giving me?” I pouted like a child.

“Would you prefer if I said, Oh my god! Run after him right now and promise to sleep with him ASAP before he leaves your life forever?” She shook her head. “If you want to have meaningless sex, which we both know you don’t, I’m sure Eric would love to give you a hand.”

“I will happily give you a hand, Charlotte.” His voice came over the speakers again. “I’ll even throw in some of my best dirty talk for free. Do you prefer the word cunt, warm-box, or pussy?”

Nadira immediately hung up on him and we both laughed.

“Peter was going to take me to the illegal bonfire tonight, but—” I pulled the tickets out of my pocket. “Being the good friend that I am, I figured that you and I should go in his place. I also figured that I should be drunk out of my mind so I can quickly forget all about him.”

“I’m in!” She smiled. “But don’t you dare think that this gets you out of going bar-crawling with me this weekend.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” I held the tickets up high. “What’s it going to be?”

“Ugh. You’re the worst.” She laughed and grabbed one from me. “I’ll finish my reports and I’ll pick you up in front of Lothrop at eight.”