Page 57 of Steph's Outcast

Daisy beams at all of us as she sits by the fire, rubbing her hands. "Hello again! Mmm, what's for dinner?" She looks over at Juth, who moves to my side. "Oh, you can just set my bag anywhere, sweetie. O'jek will move it for me later."

Juth immediately drops it on the ground next to the fire, earning him a frown from Daisy. He slides back in next to me and nuzzles at my ear in a very blatant way, and I find myself blushing…and pleased. It's like he's staking his claim on me in front of everyone. "How is your ankle?" he murmurs, lips so close to my ear it sends shivers through me. "Shall I rub it?"

Blushing, I shake my head. "I'm okay."

"You two are so cute," Daisy says, clasping her hands in front of her and sighing dramatically. "I love love, don't you?"

Harlow gives her a puzzled stare. "Actually, I'd really love to know why you're back. You and O'jek both. Did something happen? Is everyone okay?"

"Oh, everyone is lovely," Daisy gushes. "Though they did stop for a while so Taushen could make the cutest little sled for Brooke and some of the packs. She wants to walk but he's being all possessive and protective." Her gaze slides to me again, where Juth is practically draped all over my side, and a wistful expression crosses her face. "You know how it goes."

O'jek moves near the fire and picks up Daisy's pack. He adds it to his own and glances around at the group, his gaze lingering on myself and Juth, and then he heads toward the cave, no doubt to speak to Raahosh. Well, I'd wanted someone from one of the tribes to remain, didn't I? Guess I got my wish…only I'd prefer anyone other than O'jek, who’s both Shadow Cat and generally unpleasant. Oh well.

"As for why we came back, well…" Daisy touches her cheeks. "My skin was just being torn apart by the cold wind and the snow. I didn't realize how much nicer it is on the beach here. The cliffs really do protect us from the worst of the weather. After a few hours of that, I realized that I'd look like my leathers if we were traveling for very long, and so I insisted that I come back. O'jek offered to escort me, the sweetheart."

Harlow's brows go up. She glances over at me, and then at Sam. "I'm sorry, did you say you came back because your skin was dry?"

"Well, yes." Daisy shrugs. "I can't meet a lot of new people looking all chapped and terrible." She shakes her head. "If I'm not going to look my best, what's the point in going?"

"Putting less strain on the village?" Harlow asks. "Helping the others hunt and work on replenishing supplies? Heck, how about working toilets at the other village?"

"They have working toilets?" Sam echoes, impressed.

"Yes, but I would look hideous when I got there," Daisy counters, patting her cheek. "It's important to maintain my beauty."

Sam gives her a look of disgust and leaves. Harlow seems as if she's doing her best to hide her opinion, but her mouth keeps twitching. "I…ah…think I'm going to go talk to Liz." She jumps to her feet and races away, and then it's just me, and Juth, and Daisy by the fire.

Daisy seems oblivious to the weird mood. She holds her hands out to the warmth, then studies her nails. I bite my lip, wondering if this is the appropriate moment to give Daisy a pep talk, and decide I can't help myself. "Daisy, maybe you should have stayed with the group."

"No," Daisy says firmly. "I won't show up somewhere not looking my best."

"This is a primitive planet," I point out. "It doesn't matter what you look like."

"That's where I think you're wrong," Daisy tells me with a sweet smile. "Pretty is all I've got going for me, and I need to keep it."



The day is filled with work. The yellow-maned female with all the kits gives everyone tasks to work on, even those that are injured. I am surprised that they all pitch in to improve the camp for all. The Outcast clan was never so dedicated to one another. Here, though, everyone is as a family. Steff and one of the very pregnant females sit near the fire, keeping the kits entertained. My mate works on sewing a few hides even as she supervises their play, and the other female works on cooking. Another female watches the very young kits, along with one of the males. Several of the others go to find something called a “hunter cave” and I help N'dek pull shattered wood pieces away from the shell-beast mounds. Liz says if we cannot re-use the wood, we can gather it and burn it. It alarms me when none of the elders stays near the fire, but Steff has assured me that all are welcome to make fire.