Page 65 of It Was Only a Kiss

‘I have a present for you,’ he said.

Jess did a little dance in her ice-pick heels. ‘You do? Will I like it?’

‘I hope so. It has the added benefit of getting your mum to stop nagging you—and me.’ Luke sent Liza a full, teasing look and grinned widely when she wrinkled her nose at him. Turning back to Jess, he pulled out a box from his pocket and flipped open the lid.

Jess stared down at the soft, romantic, deeply unusual ring. It was unique—swirls of gold and platinum, with a deep sapphire winking up at her.

Luke’s voice was laced with emotion when he slipped it on to her finger. ‘My mum designed it, and when I saw her sketch I thought of you—thought that she’d drawn it with you in mind. I snuck it out of her portfolio before you could see it so that it would be a surprise. What do you think?’

Jess bit her lip in an effort to hold back her tears. ‘I love it. I love you.’

Luke cupped her face with his big hands. ‘Love you more.’

Nick broke the emotionally charged moment. ‘Jeez, Savage, if you’re going to get soppy you’ll end up being our least-favourite brother-in-law,’ he drawled. ‘It puts far too much pressure on the rest of us to be romantic.’

Luke grinned at Nick, Jess plastered to his side. ‘I’ll be your only brother-in-law,’ he pointed out.

Nick pulled a face, laughter in his eyes. ‘You’re it? Then I definitely need another large drink!’

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from The Taming of a Wild Child by Kimberly Lang.

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The only thing worse than waking up naked in a strange bed was realizing there was someone else sleeping in the bed, too.

Someone male.

The bright light on the other side of her eyelids sent pain streaking through Lorelei LaBlanc’s head as she tried to piece together exactly what the hell was going on...and who she’d just spent the night with.

She forced herself to lie still; jumping right up might wake her companion, and she didn’t want to get straight into a confrontation before she had a handle on things.

Think, Lorelei, think.

She had a hangover that would slay a mule, and it hurt to think. How much champagne had she consumed in the end?

Connor and Vivi’s wedding had gone off without a hitch; all of the four hundred guests had had a fabulous time. The church had never looked better, and the hotel had outdone itself with both the decor and the food. She’d been at the head table for dinner, but once the dancing had begun and the champagne had really started flowing... Well, that was where things began to get a little fuzzy. She remembered having a small, good-natured disagreement with Donovan St. James over...

Her eyes flew open.

Oh. My. God.

Bits and pieces of the night before came rushing at her with distressing speed and clarity.

Carefully, so as not to aggravate her hangover, she rolled slowly to her other side. Sure enough, Donovan lay there on his back, bare-chested, with only a sheet covering his hips and one leg. His hands were stacked behind his head as he stared at the ceiling.

She swore under her breath.

“Right there with you, Princess.”

The amused sigh in Donovan’s voice put her nerves on edge. “What the hell happened last night?”

He had the gall to look pointedly at the tangled sheets—which she was currently trying to pull over herself in a belated attempt at modesty—and raise an eyebrow. She really wasn’t ready to go to the whole we had sex bit just yet. She cleared her throat. “I mean, how? Why?”

“How? Buckets of champagne. And there were tequila shots involved. As for why...” He shrugged. “Beats the hell out of me.”

Tequila explained a lot. Jose Cuervo was not her friend. I’ve done some stupid stuff in my life, but this? With Donovan St. James? And now? A chill ran down her spine. If she’d publicly done something... Oh, her family was really going to kill her this time. Her sister would be first in line.

“Please just tell me we didn’t make a scene at the reception,” she whispered.