Page 11 of It Was Only a Kiss

Luke rubbed the back of his neck. He felt embarrassed and stupid and wished that she’d just leave him alone to try to fix the mess he’d made. Unfortunately his business brain also kept whispering that he’d be an idiot if he just sent her on her way without listening to her proposal.

There was a reason why she was reputed to be one of the best in the business...but why did she have to look even sexier than before?

The knowledge that he was still so attracted to her caused his temper to spike. ‘You know nothing! You spent three months here eight years ago and you didn’t know much then.’

‘I want to help you...’

Luke shook his head. ‘No, you don’t. You want to make some money off me, do a deal, get the most sought-after contract around. You want to be proved right. You want to say “I told you so”. You want to show me how clever you are.’

Jess shook her head. ‘No, I— Come on, Luke, give me a break! I’m not the same cocky, over-zealous child I was eight years ago. I’m good at my job, and campaigns like yours are what I do best.’

Luke watched the heat of temper appear on her cheekbones, noticed the patches of red forming on her chest and neck. ‘I don’t need to watch you gloat. I have representatives of at least five other companies touring St Sylve right now, so they can—’ Luke bent his fingers to emphasise the phrase ‘—“help” me.’

‘I know that, but none of them are me. I’ve lived here, I’ve worked here, and I’ve always felt a connection to St Sylve. I can use that to create something special for you.’

She sounded sincere, Luke thought, but what did he know? He had vast experience of women—of people—turning sincerity on and off like a tap. Besides, he was tired and stressed and felt as if he’d been hit over the head by a two-by-four. ‘Just go away, Jess.’

She lifted her chin and held his stare. ‘No. Sorry, but, no. I will get the market research report and I will draw up a campaign for you. I don’t care if you think I’m pushy or bossy or a pain in the butt—that is what is going to happen.’

Luke felt his temper bubble. ‘Nothing has changed with you, has it? You’re still over-confident and cocky—’

Jess hopped off the car, teetered on her heels and slapped her hand against his chest. Luke felt as if she’d branded him. He could see the pulse jumping at the base of her neck and noticed that her eyes had turned darker with...could that be embarrassment? Her obvious discomfort had his temper retreating.

‘Can you be quiet for just a minute while I get this out?’ Jess asked, her voice vibrating.

She seemed unaware that her hand was still on his chest, and although he lifted his hand to remove it, he didn’t manage to complete the action. He rather liked her touching him...

Jess took a deep breath and raked tumbling hair back from her face with her other hand. ‘I suck at apologising, so this might not come out right. But I’m really, really sorry for being so rude and revolting. I had no right to say the things I said to you, and you were right to fire fact you did me a huge favour. I was intolerably cheeky and I’d really appreciate it if you accepted my apology.’

Huh? What? Luke frowned at her. That wasn’t what he’d expected her to say...

‘Are you apologising?’ He just had to make sure. He’d had a tough couple of weeks. Maybe the stress was getting to him and he’d started imagining things.

Or maybe he just wanted to hear the words again.

Jess closed her eyes. ‘Please don’t make me say it again,’ she begged. ‘Once is embarrassing enough.’

Luke blew out his breath. ‘What am I supposed to say to that?’ he grumbled.

Jess made a sound that was a cross between a snort and a laugh.

‘That you forgive me?’ she suggested. ‘That you’ll let me design you a campaign that will sell an enormous amount of wine? That was an interesting briefing session, by the way. Short and—’


Jess’s smile flashed. ‘Just short. So? Can I?’

Luke, momentarily distracted by the tiny dimple that flashed in her cheek when she smiled, gathered his thoughts and told himself to be an adult. He couldn’t just give her the campaign because she had a smile that made his belly clench, a body that begged to be touched and eyes he could drown in. Then again, it was his vineyard...

Get a grip, Savage.

‘You can put in a tender for the job, along with everyone else.’ Luke lifted up his hand when he saw Jess’s face brighten. His next words were as much a warning to himself as they were to her. ‘I’m not promising you a thing, Sherwood.’