Page 98 of Crazy in Love

I thought I had this until I see Harrison still working his way up to her. “Harrison?” I yell over everyone as he pulls the ring box from his pocket. “I love you. And you love me. I always based a lot of my worth on my looks. But you’re not drawn to that. You love my soul, who I am on the inside, and that’s more important.”

“Your beauty is . . . to see, Tate. Your . . . like a rose just for me.”

Cupping my ear, I yell, “What? I can’t hear you.”

He grabs the microphone, and says, “Your beauty is for the world to see. Your soul blooms like a rose for me. Come here, Tate.”

I seek Nora’s approval, not sure why, but it would be nice to have, considering the death glares I’m getting from Natasha’s side.

To Nora, I say, “I love him.”

She nods, and relief washes through her. “Go get him then.”

As silence falls over the group, I hurry through to get to Harrison. I don’t know how this will turn out—my biggest triumph or greatest defeat. But I believe love is on my side. Stopping with a few feet remaining between us, I realize everything has to be aired. No secrets and no hidden fears. “You left me like everyone else, and when I called, and I heard a woman’s laughter.”

Madison calls from the back. “That was me. He was with me when you called.” I turn back to Harrison, and he’s nodding. “You didn’t even give me a chance to explain. I think that’s when you blocked me.”

“It was. I thought you moved on without me.”

“I couldn’t. I can’t. Never. When I was at my lowest, when my niece was in ICU, you were the person I called.”


“Almost five years, but that doesn’t matter now. I just need you to know that I called, but you didn’t answer. And I’m okay with that now because I got the second chance I needed.” Bringing my hand to his mouth, he kisses it like when we lie together naked. I love that he’s not afraid to show the intimacy that exists between us. “I can’t get you out from under my skin. But now it’s worse. You’ve invaded my heart, you own my soul, and now you’re carrying my baby.” An audible gasp is heard from behind me. “Oh shit.”

“It’s okay,” I say, laughing. “I don’t think you still need the microphone, though.”

He gives it to the first mic guy and then takes my hands. “We’ve fucked up. Both of us have.”

“You were right. I leave first to avoid being left behind.”

“I won’t leave you, Tatum.” Touching my stomach, he says, “I won’t leave this baby or any of the other four kids we have.”


His smile is so smug and adorable that he might be able to talk me into this. When I smile, he says, “I’ve missed seeing your face and your naked body, but most of all, I miss you. Just everything from not knowing where your own dishes are stored to the bed you hog without apology to how you cling to me when you’re sleeping. Your laugh and love of being silly, like falling on your ass in a candy shop, and how animated you are when you talk about your work. I missed you, Tatum. All of you.”

He kisses me. Grabbing my face, he steps into my space, and we kiss, taking advantage of this opportunity. “I love you,” he whispers against my lips.

“I need to say something, Harrison. You seem to think I’m only with you because of the baby.” I hold onto him not wanting to ever let go as we talk with only a breath separating us. “The baby didn’t bring us together. Catalina did. Life did. Destiny.”

“I realized the same thing. Whatever brought us together is doing it again.”

We kiss again, ready for our happily ever after to begin.

Natasha whines, “This was supposed be about me.”

Harrison turns to mic guy and says, “Don’t do it, Dawson.”

I say, “I’m confused.”

“Oh, yeah, this is my brother Dawson.” Harrison looks at me with a huge grin practically splitting his face in half. “And this is my Tatum.” I shake his hand, and we do the greeting, noticeably leaving Natasha out of it.

He says, “I’ve heard a lot about you.” Distracted, Dawson moves around Harrison and speaks under his breath to Natasha, “I think we need to talk.”

When they start weaving their way toward the exit, Harrison says, “My other brother couldn’t make it. He just doesn’t like Natasha.”

“Ah. And your dad?”

“Thinking about an office in Dallas, so he traveled there.”

Poking him in the chest, I warn, “Not for you. Just setting that straight right now.”

He chuckles. “Don’t worry. I don’t want to be anywhere else than with you.”

A phone rings in the background just as our lips press together in a kiss.