Page 97 of Crazy in Love

I step back and brush down the front of my pale-yellow dress. I always let the brides, wives, girlfriends, and in this case, fiancée own the spotlight.

Cookie’s admiring smile makes me feel I’ve done something right. I wiggle the belt to make sure it stays in place and then hold my arms wide. “All good?”


“Hope not too beautiful. It’s not my day.” Despite the fact that it’s the love of my life, it’s their day.

“Oh honey, come here.” She brings me into her mother fold and rubs my back. “I’m at a loss of what to say. That Harrison would do this to you . . . I’m so sorry. I don’t understand what’s going on in his head.”

Before the tears that are gathering can fall, I tilt my head back and take a quick and deep breath. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

The hillside pavilion is stunning, with the sunset in the background. The table is set, the crystal sparkling, and the arch of the proposal area with orange and yellow flowers wrapped around it are perfection. I direct the photographer to capture the magic for our portfolio just as guests start to arrive.

From the file, the dinner bringing two families together for the first time is the cover. The proposal is the surprise. As soon as the question is popped, a yes is secured, dinner will be served and then my duties are done. I won’t be staying another minute on this island or even in the state. I want to be as far away from this place as possible.

The woman of the night arrives wearing a white satin dress straight from the runway. By her height and physical attributes, she could be a model. She circulates through the small crowd, kissing everybody on two cheeks.

But there’s no sign of Harrison yet.

Cookie comes up behind me, and whispers, “Not that you would do this . . . I mean, you’re not me, but it’s a proposal, not an exchange of wedding vows. So there’s not a justice of the peace to ask if there are any objections. But if the love of my life were getting engaged, I might have a few things to say about it.”

I look at her over my shoulder as she sips her champagne so innocently. “And here I thought I was trouble with a capital T.”

“Sometimes we have to stop worrying about others and go after what we want. Incoming at ten o’clock.”

My gaze darts straight for him. He hasn’t seen me as I hide in the shadows, but there’s no mistaking that even among family, he stands out.


Turning around, I find Nora. “Hello, it’s so good to see you again.”

“You, too. You look lovely in that color.”

“Thank you. Congratulations for tonight.”

She shifts, and then says, “Thank you.”

Before any awkwardness can sneak in, I say, “I need to check—”

“He misses you.”

My feet stop. My breathing stops. My heart. All of me because he misses me. I’m not ready to turn around and confess everything, but I can admit, “I miss him, too.”

“You should tell him.”

What kind of alternate universe am I living in that everyone is rooting for the crazy ex-girlfriend? And pregnant, but they don’t know about that big detail. Yet.

But Nora’s right. So are Cookie and Natalie. And it seems anyone else I speak to. I bet even Madison. So with my heart thumping loud enough for everyone in the Big Apple to hear, I start thinking maybe this isn’t so crazy. Maybe this is my moment to tell Harrison that I still love him.

A knife is tapped against a glass, and a man I don’t recognize starts speaking. “We’re so glad you could be here to celebrate this special occasion for us and our families. . .”

I frantically search for the one man who already changed my destiny but still holds my fate in his hands. When I find him in the crowd, his eyes are already locked on me. Pain. Happiness. And everything in between is working through his features. The woman in the white dress leans over and whispers something in his ear, but his eyes are still mine. I’m willing to bet his heart is as well.

She starts walking toward the man with the microphone. Her name is Natasha. Figures. He then calls, “Harrison?”

But Harrison doesn’t move a muscle.

“Harrison?” is called louder over the speakers, snapping him out of the connection we have.

I won’t give it up. I won’t give him up.

Cookie whispers, “Now’s your chance.”

“I object!” I shout over the small crowd. “I object to this sham!”

I hear Cookie giggling and turn back to see Madison laughing along with her. Madison gives me a thumbs-up and says, “You got this.”

“I do. I got this.”

Natasha asks, “Why is she saying my proposal is a sham?”

Mic man puts his arm around her and starts soothing her. “It’ll be okay, tookie wookie.”