Page 94 of Crazy in Love

My tummy clenches. “You got in the car?”

“My brothers had warned me, but I didn’t listen.” Her eyes go to the screensaver on her phone—the cutest little dark-haired beauty. She glances at me, the emotion raw on her face as if this is a fresh memory.

“How is she doing now?”

“She’s amazing. Doesn’t remember anything, but it’s better that way. He crashed us right into a tree. He died instantly. I only survived because of my family.”

I glance back at the photo again. She has the prettiest blue eyes, and I’m reminded of . . . don’t go there. “Sounds like you got one of the good ones.”

A hotel attendant comes up to her and hands her a card key. “Ms. Decker, your room is ready.”

“Decker?” I say unable to keep my mouth shut. “I know a Harrison Decker.” I’m mastering the art of sounding like a crazy person.

Jumping to her feet, she says, “That’s my brother. Well, one of them. I have three. Wow, crazy small world.” The smile falters, and she says, “You’re Tatum.”

I stand and nod. Now I’m not sure what to say or do. My gut tells me to run, but my heart tells me to stay.

“He told me all about you,” she says, and then laughs lightly as if recalling a fond memory. “I remember him saying your soul was golden the first time he met you. That was when we were in the hospital.”

“What do you mean?”

“Talk about timing. Harry came off the best weekend of his life, and the minute the ferry docked, I called him. He spent the next three months nursing me back to health while sleeping night after night in Harlow’s hospital room. You were all he talked about. The days became weeks, and those became months.” She reaches to touch my hand wrapped around my suitcase handle. “I feel like I owe you an apology.”

“You don’t.”

“I took away his soul mate, so yeah, a lot of guilt is carried with that.”

“But we found our way back to each other,” I say without a second thought. That just rolled off my tongue so naturally.

She smiles. “He feels the same—two souls that are forever connected.” Turning to look around, she returns her gaze to mine, and she says, “It’s not too late.” I have no idea why his sister thinks that. Harrison has made it pretty clear. He wants to surprise his girlfriend. And now, he’s here to start a new life with someone else. Why does his sister think it’s not too late? It’s almost so cruel being here now. Knowing that he has moved on. Has fallen in love with someone else.

We’ve bonded on some level, two strangers who were there for each other, so I feel a hug is in order. We embrace each other, and I whisper, “I would have done anything for your brother.”

“Then let him be a part of your life.” That ship has sailed. Or has it? What did she mean suggesting that he still cares about me . . . two souls that are forever connected? Have I got my wires crossed? Is she here for another brother? If so, maybe what I should have said was, “I would do anything for your brother.” Present tense. Because I still love him. Want him.

When she leaves, I decide right then and there that we’ve had too many signs. That man is my soul mate, and I can’t let him get away.

But first, I need to handle this surprise proposal.




“In here.” I straighten my shirt, trying to flatten a wrinkle across the front. I’m keeping it casual but classy. As instructed.

My sister’s heels click across the Saltillo tiles of the suite as she rushes into the room where I’m staying. Fortunately, I’m dressed. “What’s up?” I ask.

Out of breath, she leans one hand on the doorframe as if that will help her catch it. “I just met Tatum.” The name alone gets my heart pumping to an erratic rhythm.

Pressing my palm to my chest, I ask, “What do you mean you just met Tatum?”

“She’s here. In the lobby right now.” The words don’t make sense, and my expression must match that confusion because she goes on to say, “We just got to talking and—”

“Does she know I’m here?” What the hell is going on? Why didn’t Natalie come? She knew I’d be here, so it makes it awkward that she sent Tatum instead. Or did Tatum volunteer? That doesn’t seem logical since the woman won’t talk to me on the phone or in text, so why would she want to see me in person? What is she up to?

I’d hired STJ because I like to give my friends business, but was that a mistake? I don’t want today to turn into a spectacle. It’s important that it goes off without a hitch.