Page 93 of Crazy in Love

“I’m always right. Did you confirm her birthday? It’s in June, correct?”

“How’d you know that?”

“Because you’re an Aries and the most complementary sign is Gemini. Leave it to destiny to cause a ruckus between you two. We’re also in retrograde, but I don’t like to tempt fate by focusing on that too much.”

I wash the muffin down. She asks, “What are you doing wasting time here anyway? I have a feeling you both need to lower your walls and enjoy what’s inside.”

She’s right. It’s not great revelation stuff. “Boiling it down, we need to stop being asses to each other.”

“That sounds like a good start.”

I go around the island to embrace her. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Walking back to my car, I start to mumble because she makes a whole lot of sense without saying much.

There are two things that are true:

There’s no winning Tatum’s heart until she takes the walls down. It’s a losing battle otherwise.

She’s doing the best she can. So am I. I hope we can meet in the middle from here on out.

Will she come around? I want her in my life. She’s my future. They are my future.

She rang when I was with Madison, but then hung up. And hasn’t called since. She still isn’t ready.

What if waiting isn’t enough?

~ Tatum - July ~

My office door opens, and Natalie twirls in. “I need a favor.”

I set my pen down on the pink pad and say, “Go on . . .”

“I have a client who wants a whirlwind weekend with his girlfriend, soon-to-be fiancée if all things go as planned.”

“My favorite.”

“You know why that is? Because you’re a romantic.”

“No, Natalie. I’m a professional event architect. Instead of going down memory lane, talk to me. Give me the W’s.”

“The sweetest couple ever. Surprise proposal. This Saturday. Catalina. Because they love each other.”

Dropping my head to the side, I ask, “Catalina?”

“Come on. Don’t poo-poo the idea. It’s a very romantic location.”

I give her that. But that doesn’t make it easier. Memories of my time with Harrison are always swimming around in my head. This only makes it worse. “Anyway, I have it all set up. I just have to fly out there and make sure it goes off without a hitch.”

“So, what’s the favor?”

She only has to look at me before I’m shaking my head. “No. No. No. No. No. Natalie. Not this one. Not this time.”

“Please? Nick and I have to go to Juni’s candle lighting ceremony on Saturday.”

“What the hell is that?”

“It apparently shows the baby the way out.”

I cover my mouth. It was that or gasp, so I let that confusion we’re all feeling go. “What? Nooo.”

“Yes. And since we said we’ll be at the birthing center with her, we had to say yes to the candle ceremony. Juni wanted me to give you your invitation.”

She holds it out for me. “When do I fly out?”

It’s been a month since I’ve spoken to Harrison, and every landmark we pass reminds me of a certain someone. When I arrive at the hotel on Catalina, my heart’s racing, a little sweat’s gathering under the collar, and I’m feeling sick at the scene of my crime of passion. I’d forgotten how gorgeous this place is.

I’m told to settle in, so I grab my case and head across the lobby to find a chair.

Sitting there minding my own business, a woman next to me says, “Is it illegal to pick poppies since it’s the state flower?”

“I don’t think so. I actually got them as a gift once.” My heart clenches around the absence that’s felt. “It was actually really sweet. He traveled all the way from California with them. They were raggedy with missing petals. Bent and broken. Still so romantic.”

“That does sound sweet. I’m trying to help my brother, actually. He wants to surprise his girlfriend.”

“That’s what I’m here for too. Well, not your brother. That would be weird, but a surprise proposal.”

“If you knew him, it wouldn’t be weird. He’s an amazing man and even better brother.”

I sit back, realizing she’s going to talk about him whether I’m a part of the conversation or she’s sitting alone. It’s endearing to hear how close they are, though.

“You sound very close. That’s sweet.”

“We are. He was the first one I called when I was in a car accident a few years back. He didn’t leave my hotel room unless we forced him out shopping.”

I close the small pad on my lap and drop it and the pen in my bag so I can give her my full attention.

“My daughter spent her first birthday in the hospital. All due to my psycho ex,” she says.

“What happened?”

“He threatened to hurt me if I didn’t get in the car. He was saying he just wanted to talk, but I shouldn’t have trusted him. I was just trying to do the right thing since Harlow’s his daughter.”