“Godsdammit, woman. Don’t ever leave me again!” He laughed with joy.

“I’m going to hurl.”

“Oops. Sorry.” Finally, Zac put her down. “Better?”

When her vision cleared, she found a set of hypnotic turquoise eyes gazing lovingly at her face. Her heart swelled. She could hardly believe they were here. Together. In their own bodies. “Is it really you?”

He answered her by pressing his mouth to hers and kissing her deeply.

Tingles! Sparks! Yes, it’s him!

His tongued dipped and slid against her own, igniting a scorching flame deep inside. Of course, the fire never really went out. Not for him. The smoldering coals were always there, ready to be stoked.

She pulled away, needing to see his face and those stunning eyes filled with love. Love for her. She could spend the rest of her life bathing in his devoted gaze. Pinch me. He’s really here. The nightmare is really over!

She wrapped her arms around his thick midriff and hugged him tight. Then she pulled away and looked at him and did it again.

He laughed, letting her have her moment.

She finally let go and took his big strong hand in hers, silently vowing to never let it go. “How did you know I was here?”

“K’ak. He’s catching on fast, listening to the dead and figuring out the future.”

Ah, yes. K’ak was the new God of the Underworld. “I hope he sees us together and happy forever.”

“Yes. Absolutely.” He brought her hand to his lips and left a lingering kiss on the top. A pulse shot up her arm and down to her core. His lips were magic. So were his kisses. “But nothing last forever, Tula. Not even immortals. Which is why we must have a talk. Soon. I cannot ever lose you again.”

She had an idea what he meant. Immortality. Hers. He was already worrying about something happening.

“I don’t want to think about that right now. I missed you, Zac. So much. The only thing I want is to enjoy this moment.” He had no idea what she’d gone through searching for a way to get to him in the underworld. Someday, she’d tell him all about her adventures, but none of it had been easy.

“And I missed you.” He threaded his fingers through the hair at the back of her head. “You know those photos were doctored, right? I would never cheat on you.”

“I know that now. I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”

“There is no need for apologies. The demon king had everyone questioning themselves. All that matters is we made it. We are together, and he is gone.”

Yes. He was. Cimil had told her that they would seal up the final demon portal after the gods passed through and Cimil swapped Tula’s body back.

Tula batted her eyelashes, feeling light-headed. Just being near Zac gave her a rush. “Please tell me you brought some black jade in those bags.”

“Tula, there’s something I need to share with you—something K’ak told me.”

Oh no. She hoped it wasn’t something major like yet another apocalypse or emergency. Hadn’t they been through enough? “Yes?”

Zac hunched down, putting them eye to eye. “K’ak said because you and Minky and Gola intermingled in the demon portals’ water so many times, some of their DNA rubbed off on you.”


“He couldn’t give specifics, but he said in the future, you discover you have…well, powers.”

“You’re saying I’m immortal?”

“I don’t think so, but I’m dying to find out if you can fly or make rainbows appear in any orifices.”

A wave of relief washed over her. She could handle anything as long as it didn’t involve being separated from the man she loved more than life itself. “Mr. Zac, you did not just say orifice to me. Let me remind you that I’m still a lady.” Tula grinned, noticing that she did feel different. Maybe a little more mischievous? Maybe a little more magical?

I wonder what effect I had on Gola and Minky. They were evil creatures, so a little Tula sprinkled in could only make them better.

Zac took her hand and kissed it again, his lips lingering appreciatively. “The good news is, I don’t think we’ll be needing black jade anymore. Oh, and also, I am no longer the God of Temptation.”

“You’re not?” Because she was feeling incredibly tempted right now.

“We all had to go through the demon portal one last time to get back here. And I’m sure you heard the news about what happens when two or more deities pass through.”

“It mixes up your powers. I wanted to ask about that.” Cimil had said something about being the Goddess of Death and War, while obviously K’ak was now the God of the Underworld.

“So what powers do you have now?”

Zac leaned down to whisper in her ear, “I convinced Chaam to go through with me.”

“But isn’t he…?”

“The God of Male Virility.” Zac nodded with enthusiasm, his long black locks falling around his gloriously handsome face with chiseled cheekbones and full lips.