Page 129 of Credence

Why are we running, though? A bar fight isn’t a big deal, but Kaleb destroying property is. The pursuit won’t end once we’re behind our front door.

All of a sudden, the police lights disappear. I watch their headlights, seeing them turn around and head back to town, as well.

They know where to find Kaleb tomorrow, I guess.

The tires skid under us, and the truck starts sailing backward. I suck in a breath, digging my nails into the back of Kaleb’s seat. We shouldn’t be doing this.

“Oh, my God,” I mumble, looking down the cliff on my side of the truck, fear paralyzing me at the drop.

The bikes behind us struggle to climb the road, and just as I’m about to suggest we stop or get out to walk back to the house, since we’re less than a mile away, Kaleb turns the wheel right and takes us off the road. The truck plummets into a ditch, and he punches the gas, taking us up into the forest, the truck moving more steadily through the trees.

I look behind me, seeing the bikes fall behind, lost in the darkness, snow, and without Kaleb’s taillights to follow, they won’t know where they’re going.

I don’t think I breathe the entire way home.

Kaleb drives over the forest floor, taking us up to the house, and when he pulls the truck to a stop, we all climb out, looking around for any sign of the cops or racers.

“Get inside now!” Jake orders.

We run into the house, slamming the door behind us, and Noah falls back on the door, breathing hard.

What did we do?

There’s going to be a punishment for that. They won’t let it go.

All of a sudden, though, Noah starts laughing.


I stand up and scowl down at him. “This isn’t funny,” I growl. “Someone could’ve died. They’ll still be up here once the snow stops. The cops will arrest him.”

I look at Kaleb, who’s as cool as a cucumber, moving into the kitchen and whipping off his shirt like he’s getting ready for bed or some shit.

Noah’s laughter dies down, and he rises, coming to stand next to me. “The snow won’t stop,” he tells me.

I meet his eyes as he pats my arm.

“Until April,” he finishes.

And he follows Kaleb to the fridge for a beer.


There’s already three inches on my balcony. The snowstorm rages, large clumps of bright, white flakes falling to the ground with such density that I can barely tell it’s night. I let out a silent laugh, peering through the windows of my double doors. The house is quiet, the guys went to bed long ago, but I can’t sleep. I want to see this.

It’s so beautiful. And for some reason, I’m in heaven, despite Noah’s griping about there being no civilization for the next six months. I have all I need right here.

Jake had us tend to the horses before bed, but I still feel bad for them out there in the barn. The snow is definitely sticking, which means the ground temperature is as cold as the clouds.

I turn around, shivering as I fist my hands under my arms. I should put on the long underwear I bought, but I hate pants under the sheets. I walk over, deciding to stay in my silk shorts, button-down Oxford and wrapped in a blanket as I crawl into bed.

But I spot something lying at the bottom of the bed and stop, walking over and picking up Kaleb’s belt.

Or the one he gave to me. I’d tossed it there when I came up earlier.

Holding one end, I thread it through my fist, stretching it out to see the ornate carvings.

He’s kind of an artist, isn’t he? I picture him working on this, probably in the loft or one of the rooms in the barn I haven’t explored yet, where he has a place he won’t be disturbed. Or maybe in his bedroom.