Just knowing he hasn’t told the others and he’s holding me to him right now is more than I ever realistically expected. But to go forward with me would be to irrevocably damn him to my same fate.

“I love you,” I say on a broken whisper, because I’m just too weak to turn him away so soon.

“I love you,” he says back, thawing my heart completely as the tears start leaking again. “Which is why I’m begging you to end this now and go away with me,” he adds, his voice cracking.

He has no idea what an offer like that does to someone like me. Leave? Stop now? Walk away with him as a prize?

It’s so tempting, and if not for the fact the sheriff and his deputies still live, still spread dark shadows over everyone’s halls…I’d do it. I’d walk away from the revenge. But I can’t walk away from all the innocent lives still being scarred.

People just like Cheyenne and her daughter who would have been killed by a man who is supposed to protect them, all to conceal his darkest secrets.

“We have enough evidence to put him away,” Logan says, as though he’s reading my mind.

But he believes in the justice system. He doesn’t understand a man like Cannon can only be killed after he’s buried. Only then will anyone care about evidence. He lines the pockets of too many important and powerful men.

Just like Director McEvoy.

Just like SSA Johnson.

Just like the fucking governor.

“Don’t decide right now. Right now, just be with me, and for tonight, we can simply forget the rest of the world exists,” he goes on, brushing his lips over mine again.

“What about the case?” I ask stupidly.

His case is solved. He has the murderer in his arms.

He grins like he’s thinking the very same thing. “They can do without me for tonight. Leonard will cover for me.”

I’ve already killed four people in twenty-four hours. I suppose I can pretend as though the world around us isn’t collapsing for just one night.

“This isn’t a ploy to find out where you’re staying. I could do that just by following Hadley,” he adds, kissing my lips again.

Pathetically, I never doubted his intentions.

“I know,” I say on a sigh. Because Logan Bennett makes me forget the fact I’m not untouchable.

It’s been a dangerous game since the beginning.

Now I have to stop myself from dragging him to the pits of hell with me.

Chapter 7

Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.



Jake’s eyes almost bulge out of his head as I walk in with Logan. Logan slides his arm around my waist like he’s ready to protect me, as though Jake is about to do something stupid.

I lace my fingers together with Logan’s, as Jake continues to gawk at me.

“Are we under arrest?” Jake asks, so confused that it’s almost comical.

Logan grunts out a breath, and I lean against him. “This is neutral ground. No talk of killing people, and no talk of arresting,” Logan finally says. “As of right now, there is no talk of this town or what’s going on inside it.”

Jake looks between us, his eyebrows still raised as he keeps the laptop in his lap. The monitors all around have the town from various angles, and Logan glances at each one.