‘I want so much more from you than that, Bea,’ he assured her firmly. ‘I want, one day, for you to be my wife, the mother of my children, the mistress of my happy home, the woman who might love me as I have loved and continue to love you, and who will fill our homes with vases of flowers. I am more than happy to be patient, of course, to woo you, to court you, as you deserve to be—’

‘But—I overheard you tell Seaton that our lovemaking was a mistake.’

‘Because I believed you to be in lo

ve with the man you called out for in your sleep. A man called Michael.’

‘Lord Maystone’s grandson?’

‘I did not know that at the time, Bea. I believed that by loving you, by making love with you, I was encouraging you to be unfaithful to the man you loved. It was only when Maystone finally referred to his grandson as Michael that I realised the truth.’ Griffin was prevented from saying more as Bea launched herself into his arms. ‘Bea?’ he groaned even as his arms closed tightly about her and he crushed her against his much harder body.

Bea beamed up at him, eyes glowing. ‘I find I am not patient at all, Griffin. I want all of those things you described now. I want you now,’ she added shyly.

‘Bea?’ Griffin still looked down at her uncertainly.

She reached up to curve her hands about the hardness of his cheeks as she smiled up at him. ‘I already love you, Griffin,’ she told him firmly. ‘I believe I have loved you almost since the moment I first opened my eyes and saw you seated beside my bed acting as my protector. And that love has only continued to grow every moment of every day since. I love you, Griffin,’ she repeated emotionally.

He looked uncertain, confused, two emotions Bea had never associated with this strong and decisive man. ‘Are you sure you are not confusing gratitude with love?’

‘Of course, I am grateful for your having rescued me, and caring for me even though you had no idea who I was or where I came from; what sort of woman would I be if I were not?’ she dismissed indulgently. ‘I am grateful for all that, but it is you that I love, Griffin. The man, the lover, not the rescuer. These last few days, of not knowing if I would ever see you again, have passed in a haze of agony for me,’ she acknowledged huskily. ‘I love you so much, Griffin, I cannot bear to be apart from you, even for a moment.’

It was so much how Griffin felt in regard to Bea. ‘Will you marry me, Bea, and be my duchess?’

‘I will marry you, and gladly, but so that we need never be separated again, not to become your duchess,’ she answered him without hesitation.

Griffin grinned and gave a heartfelt whoop of gladness before he claimed her lips with his own.

* * *

‘If you do not mind, I believe the wedding must be soon, my love,’ he murmured indulgently some time later, as the two of them sat together upon the sofa, Bea’s head resting comfortably on his shoulder, his arms about her as he continued to hold her close. ‘I find I want to make love to you again so very much, and I should not like our heir to make his appearance eight, or even seven, months after the wedding.’

Bea chuckled softly, so happy to be with Griffin again, to know that he loved her as much as she loved him, that they would never be parted ever again. ‘I believe it should be possible for a Special Licence to be arranged for a man who has been so loyal to the Crown for so many years?’

Griffin chuckled softly. ‘I believe you might be right, my love.’

‘Sir Walter will give me away and Christian can stand up with you.’

‘Christian is not in England at the moment,’ he confided.

Bea looked up at him searchingly. ‘Is he in danger?’ she finally asked with concern.

Griffin felt a momentary twinge of that past jealousy before just as quickly dismissing it; Bea loved him. He had no doubt of it and he never would. ‘Not that I am aware, no,’ he answered dismissively. ‘I am no longer privy to such knowledge, Bea, for Christian’s sake, more than my own.’

‘Of course you are not.’ Bea once again settled herself on his shoulder. ‘Then one of your other friends will have to stand up with you, for I find I do not wish to wait either.’

Which was reason enough for Griffin to begin kissing her all over again...

* * * * *

Don’t miss the next book in Carole Mortimer’s

dazzling DANGEROUS DUKES duet:


Keep reading for an excerpt from RAKE MOST LIKELY TO THRILL by Bronwyn Scott.

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