‘Of course.’ Griffin stood up immediately to cross the room to where the decanter and glasses sat upon his desk top, pouring the dark amber liquid into a glass before returning.

Bea had managed to sit up completely in his absence, slippered feet placed firmly on the floor, her hands shaking slightly as she accepted the glass before taking a reviving sip of the drink.

So many of her memories had now returned to her. Her parents’ death the previous winter was the most distressing.

They had been such a happy family. Her parents were still so much in love with each other, and it was a love that had included rather than excluded their only child. So much so that they had been loath to accept any of the offers of marriage Bea had received that previous Season, determined that their daughter should find and feel the same deep love for and from her husband. They wished for her to find a happy marriage, such as they had enjoyed together for twenty years.

After their sudden deaths her guardianship had been given over to her closest male relative— Oh, dear Lord!

‘Bea?’ Griffin prompted sharply.

She looked up at him with pained eyes. ‘Please be patient with me, Griffin. It is such a muddle still inside my head.’ Could it really be possible that the answer to her abduction and present dilemma was so close at hand?

Well, of course Bea’s head was a muddle, Griffin accepted, feeling that he was in large part responsible for her present distress. Her face was deathly pale, her hands shaking slightly as she held tightly to the brandy glass. Christian had been quite right to upbraid him for his stupidity in having revealed Bea’s name to her so unthinkingly that she had fainted from the shock.

At the time he had thought only of preventing her from leaving when things were so strained between the two of them. Instead his outburst had caused Bea immeasurable pain, and the distance between them now seemed even wider than it had been before he had spoken.

Much as it grieved him, Griffin realised that most of that distance was coming from Bea herself. Because her memories were too distressing? Or because she was still angry with him? Whatever the reason, Griffin had no choice but to respect her feelings, and so continued to keep his distance as Christian now took his place on the chaise beside Bea.

She gave the other man a tentative smile. ‘I fear Lord Maystone’s visit here may be a futile one in regard to myself,’ she voiced regretfully. ‘Even with my memories returning to me, I still do not have any idea what it is that my abductors thought I might know.’

‘No idea at all?’ Seaton looked disappointed.

‘No,’ she confirmed heavily before turning to Griffin. ‘However, Griffin, I am now aware of who my—’

‘Lord Maystone, Your Grace.’ Pelham had appeared unnoticed in the library doorway, quickly followed by the visitor.

Bea turned in surprise to look at the visitor as he strode hurriedly into the room without waiting for Griffin’s permission

to do so.

Lord Maystone was a man possibly aged in his mid to late fifties, and he appeared a little travel-worn, as might be expected. But he was a handsome man despite his obviously worried air, with his silver hair and upright figure.

Bea did not recall ever having seen or met him before this evening.

Griffin scowled darkly as he looked across the room at Maystone. ‘It’s about time you arrived and gave an explanation for this whole intolerable situation!’ He turned all of his considerable anger and frustration onto the older man.


‘I will thank you not to interfere, Christian.’ Griffin eyed his friend coldly.

‘I believe Aubrey might be in need of some refreshment before we do or say anything further?’ Christian pointedly reminded Griffin of his manners.

Griffin shot his friend an irritated glance before turning to the silently waiting butler. ‘Another decanter of brandy, if you please, Pelham, and possibly some tea,’ he added with a glance at Bea, waiting only long enough for the butler to depart before speaking again. ‘Neither I, nor Bea, I am sure, appreciate this ridiculous need you feel for secrecy, Maystone.’

‘Griffin!’ Bea was now the one to reprove him sharply as she stood up quickly to cross the room to Aubrey Maystone’s side. ‘Can you not see that Lord Maystone does not look at all well?’

She placed her hand gently on the older man’s arm as she looked up at him in concern.

Griffin had noticed that Maystone looked slightly pale about the mouth and eyes, but he had assumed it was from the exhaustion of travelling so far and so quickly at his advanced years.

On closer inspection Griffin could also see that the older man had lost weight since he’d last seen him. To a considerable degree: his face was thinner, his jowls no longer firm, and his well-tailored clothing seemed to hang loosely upon his upright frame.

‘Come and sit down, My Lord,’ Bea encouraged gently, her arm gentle beneath Maystone’s elbow as she guided him over to sit on the chaise.

‘I am sure I shall feel perfectly well again soon, my dear.’ Maystone patted Bea’s hand reassuringly as she sat down beside him. ‘Possibly after I have drunk a reviving glass or two of brandy.’

‘Griffin?’ Bea prompted pointedly, her attention and concern all on Aubrey Maystone.