Would Christian Seaton, wickedly handsome, and so obviously a sophisticated gentleman of the world, have been able to tell, just from looking at the two of them, that she and Griffin had been making love together when he arrived?

Oh, dear Lord, could this night become any more humiliating?

Bea gave a muffled sob as she buried her face in the pillow, once again afraid. Of the knowledge of her past. Of what her future might hold.

Of having to leave Griffin.

* * *

‘I would not care to discuss it, no,’ Griffin answered the other man tightly as he moved to lift the decanter on his desk, pouring brandy into two of the crystal glasses before handing one to his friend. ‘Who is she, Christian? And why all the secrecy?’

Christian took a grateful swallow of the amber liquid before answering him. ‘We believe her name to be Lady Beatrix Stanton. She is nineteen years of age, and the unmarried daughter of the Earl and Countess of Barnstable. You will recall that both the Earl and his countess perished in a carriage accident last year? As for the rest...’ He grimaced. ‘The demand for secrecy is all Maystone’s doing, I am afraid.’

Bea’s name was Beatrix Stanton. She was the unmarried Lady Beatrix Stanton, Griffin corrected grimly, relieved at the former and satisfied that his previous conviction that Bea was a lady was a true one.

He had known her father, damn it; the two of them had belonged to the same club in London. Unfortunately Griffin had been out of the country when Barnstable and his countess had died so he had been unable to attend the funeral.

But he had known Bea’s father!

Griffin threw some of the brandy to the back of his own throat, face grim as his thoughts raced.

Bea’s dream of having attended her parents’ funeral had been a true one.

So, then, must be the dream of her abduction, imprisonment, and the beatings.

Not that Griffin had ever had any doubts regarding the

latter even if he did not know the reason for it.

And what of the man, Michael? He then must also be real.

Exactly who was he, and what did he mean to Bea?

He looked sharply across at Sutherland as the other man now slouched down in one of the chairs before the fire, no doubt tired from the strains of his hurried journey. ‘If her parents are both dead, then who is now her guardian?’

The other man looked up at him beneath hooded lids. ‘Apart from having you as her godfather, you mean?’


‘I am sorry, Griff, but I believe you are now crossing into the area where Maystone has demanded secrecy.’ Sutherland grimaced.

Griffin’s eyes widened. ‘You are refusing to tell me who Bea’s guardian is?’

The other man’s mouth tightened. ‘I am ordered not to tell you, Griff. There is a difference. This does not just involve the young lady you have claimed as your goddaughter,’ he bit out harshly as Griffin looked set to explode into anger. ‘The lives of other innocents are also at stake.’

Griffin stilled, eyes narrowed. ‘What others?’ he demanded. ‘I always could pummel you into the ground, Christian,’ he reminded grimly as the other man sipped his brandy rather than answer his question.

Sutherland sighed heavily as he relaxed back in the chair. ‘Then you will just have to pummel away, I am afraid, Griffin, because I am not—’

‘You are not at liberty to tell me,’ Griffin finished grimly. ‘Maystone believes Bea’s life is still in danger?’ he added sharply.

‘It is the reason I have travelled here so quickly,’ Christian confirmed.

Part of Griffin bristled at Maystone having doubted that he alone could protect Bea. Another part of him was grateful to have Christian’s assistance.

If Bea truly was still in danger, then he welcomed any assistance in ensuring her safety.

He sighed heavily. ‘How long before Maystone arrives, do you estimate?’