He nodded. ‘The questions the man Jacob asked. What were they?’

‘They were the same two questions, over and over again. How much did I overhear? Who had I told?’ She frowned as she gave a shake of her head. ‘I did not know the answers then, and I do not know them now.’

Griffin realised that someone obviously believed that she knew something they would rather she did not.

And it was in all possibility something to do with the reason why Jacob Harker had left Northamptonshire so suddenly several weeks ago, and travelled up to Lancashire.

Something of relevance to the foiled assassination plot of the Prince Regent just weeks ago?

Harker’s possible involvement in Bea’s abduction would seem to imply that was in all probability the case.

Griffin filed the information away in his head. ‘How did you finally manage to escape?’

She frowned. ‘The man, Jacob, had taken to unfastening my hands and feet when I was allowed to use—’ She gave a shake of her head, her cheeks becoming flushed. ‘I believe I struck him on the side of the head with the bucket before ripping off my blindfold and simply running and running. Does this man, Jacob, mean something to you?’ She looked up at him sharply.

Griffin frowned grimly. ‘It is not important.’

‘It is important to me!’ Some of her earlier fire returned as her eyes flashed darkly.

Griffin gentled his voice. ‘I believe the best thing for now would be for you to rest.’

‘No!’ Bea pulled out of the Duke’s grasp before stepping back. ‘I cannot. I do not wish to rest.’ Even the thought of going to sleep again, of having more nightmares, was enough to fill her with panic. ‘I should like to know what relevance this man Jacob Harker has to you. Why, upon hearing the name Jacob, did you immediately assume he might be this Harker you speak of?’

‘He is a known troublemaker in the area, that is all,’ Griffin soothed.

Bea was not fooled for a moment by that explanation. ‘That still does not explain why—’

‘Bell—Bea,’ he corrected apologetically. ‘It is not the best time for us to talk about him, when you are already so upset.’ He looked grim. ‘I am more interested in the questions that were asked of you, and what significance they— Damn it!’ he muttered in frustration as there was a brief knock on the bedchamber door. ‘We will talk of this again once we are alone again.’

‘I really do not think I can discuss my actual imprisonment any more just now, Griffin.’ Her voice broke emotionally. ‘It is too—distressing.’ She was slightly ashamed of this show of weakness on her part, but was unable, for the moment, to think any more of her imprisonment and what her dreams had already revealed.

Her worst fear now—a fear she dared not talk of out loud—was that she might also have been violated.

She did not remember it, did not feel in the least sore between her legs. But perhaps she would not have noticed that soreness amongst the other bruises, cuts and abrasions on her body?

Just the thought of that smelly and disgusting man laying so much as a finger on her—

The dreams, revelations, that she had already had, about her most recent life, before Griffin had found her in the woods last night, along with the things she had not yet remembered, made Bea’s position here now seem even more precarious than it had been previously.

If that were possible.

She was an orphan. And one whom no one seemed to have claimed or loved, for if they had then surely her sudden disappearance would have caused a hue and cry, and in all likelihood Griffin would now know exactly who she was.

Instead of which he was obviously as much in the dark as to her identity as she was.

Although the name Jacob had certainly meant something to him. Something he did not wish to discuss with her.

‘Come in, Pelham,’ the Duke now instructed impatiently as a second knock sounded on the door. The door opened and the butler entered with the tray of tea things, quickly followed by the housekeeper carrying a large box.

‘Some of Miss Bella’s gowns, Your Grace,’ she explained hastily as the Duke scowled at her presence.

‘My goddaughter would prefer that we call her Bea in future,’ Griffin announced haughtily.

Earlier today Bea had been almost excited at the prospect of new gowns, ones that actually fitted her. But the events since had reduced their arrival to mediocrity.

And Griffin’s claim now, that she was his goddaughter, further robbed her of speech.

Although she appreciated that their present situation must be as awkward for him as it was for her. If not more so.