ag of chips, sliding one after the other into my mouth considering the shock this family will suffer from what I’m about to do. I love Braden and Brailee with all that my heart can feel, and although they are innocent to their parents’ betrayal, they too will suffer greatly at my hands. It pains me to cause them any grief, but I’m sure they’ll learn from these traumatizing, yet valuable life experiences.

I finish eating the chips, licking the cheese clean from my fingertips then wash it all down with one final drink of the Jim Beam. Big John loved his bourbon. That’s the one good memory I have of him, giving me my first bottle when I was sixteen. Been drinkin’ it since. Placing the tumbler down on the edge of the desk it topples over crashing to the floor. Oops, that’s a nasty mess. Hope it doesn’t stain the carpet. Eh, won’t much matter here shortly.

I take one last glance around the room, relishing in the deceit that crumbles the very foundation the Simon family has been built up on. I take the flathead screwdriver from my pocket and remove the outlet cover, stuffing the Doritos bag into the socket.

An old high school science experiment from my very favorite teacher, Mrs. Fields, if you will… the chemicals in the flavor powder, combined with the oily fat residue left from the chips, the Doritos bag makes for a nice combustion point to start a blaze. Didn’t put much faith in the lesson, so I had to experiment myself. Ended up burning an abandoned house flat to the fuckin’ ground at just fifteen years old. Oh what memories.

Pulling the zippo lighter from my suit jacket, I set the flame against the chip bag. I’m mesmerized watching the beautiful embers of gold and orange set, sizzles and snaps burst like music to my ear as the fire snakes through the electrical system. I replace the outlet cover and leave the house just as the flames begin to blaze wildly, smoke settling in my wake. An ear splitting smile stretches across my face knowing that this is just one more debt settled with many more to claim.

Debts are due to me and I am willing to crawl through the depths of darkness to claim the retribution of that I seek.


Yours by Ella Henderson

Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

Demons by Imagine Dragons

Ghost by Ella Henderson

The Unforgiven by Metallica

Perfect Strom by Brad Paisley

Arsonist’s Lullaby by Hozier

Take Me to Church-Hozier

Broken-Seether and Amy Lee

What Lies Beneath-Breaking Benjamin

The Heart Wants What it Wants-Selena Gomez

Don’t You Wanna Stay by Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson


Thank you, Jesus, for each blessed day! Thank you for giving me the courage to write these novels!! None of this would be possible without YOU! Amen.

We all dream. I can remember as a little girl dreamin’ of becomin’ an attorney. I’ve never been an argumentative person, but the law always intrigued me. It’s funny how life changes the course you’re on. At one time, I fully believed that my purpose in life was only to be a Momma. As rewarding as that is, I’ve always craved more. Writing this series has been such an experience. It’s very hard to describe the range of emotions that fictional characters draw from their creators. My characters not only live in my head, but they are deeply embedded in my heart. Upon finishing Mend the Seams, I reflected on all the blessings this last year has brought to me. I can never thank my EVERYONE enough for their support. To each Reader, Blogger, and Author who has been on this journey with me-THANK YOU!!!

Boss, I love you. I can tell you a million times a day, and it will never be enough. LOOK! I’ve written another book and we’ve both SURVIVED!!!!

Dalton, Daden and Dawson…this book is dedicated to y’all. Each time I finished a chapter or would cry because the words just wouldn’t flow – y’all were there cheerin’ me on, encouragin’ me to never give up. I pray that I inspire y’all to dream big! Momma loves y’all!

Amanda, thank you for putting up with my crazy antics, my rantin’ and ravin’, and crazy ideas. Aside from my family, you are the one person who has been through this entire journey with me from the start. When I asked you to profile a secondary male character, I had no intentions of giving him much of a role in the Buried Secrets series. WOW – one hell of a character you created, Sis! The demand for Luke has been simply overwhelming. No matter how many thousand women claim his as their book boyfriend, Luke Ashton is forever yours. Love you, Sis!!

Tiffani Mowery, my #catcher…you are simply an amazin’ friend. It doesn’t matter how my day is going, you make it brighter! RBF in place always, darlin’!

Michele Mowery-Stevens, my Big Sis…who knew your quiet little neighbor lady was such a freak, right?! Football will always be ours!

Kaylee Lovering, thank you for takin’ a leap of faith in a little ‘ol country gal like me. I love our daily chats! #SJDLadies Forever…or BT, or E…egh-whoever! LOL!!

To my BETAS: Jodie Squelch, Ashley Hampton, Maureen Mayer, Christina Turner, Andrea Huseman, Alicia Marietta, Melissa DeVita, and Tabby Coots – you girls ROCK!!!!! Absolutely amazing!!

Silla’s Sexy Miners – you girls do an amazing job at promoting me and my series. You are everyone sweethearts and I love y’all dearly!