“Marley and Me?” Savannah asks him.

“Yeah, Marley! That’s what I wanna name my puppy. Because she looks rotten like a Marley!” Braden says proudly. He’s all excited.

“Oh did you hear that Luke? You bought a defective puppy. It even looks rotten.” Although her tone is bubbly and enthusiastic, there’s sarcasm in her words.

“She’s a just a puppy, Sav,” I reassure her.

“Well I hope that means you plan to teach Braden how to take care of his defective puppy, because I only wipe baby tushies…I don’t clean up after dogs.” She replies, crossin’ her arms over her chest. So that’s where Brailee learned it. Both my girls’ pout, how adorable.

“No worries, sweetheart. I plan to teach our boy lots of things.” Savannah smiles an ear-splittin’ grin, shakin’ her head in amusement.

Puttin’ the truck in park, I shut the engine off then turn in my seat to look at Brailee. She looks annoyed and a little unsure. The kids have been through so much recently and I can understand their unease. “Alright, kiddos, we’re home sweet home. It’s cold outside, so we can’t be out here too long. Brailee, got somethin’ I wanna show ya, baby girl.” We climb outta the truck and Savannah helps Braden and Marley down from the back seat. Makin’ my way to the back, I open Brailee’s door and ask her, “Do you trust me, Brailee?” She nods her head, but her soft green eyes are already fillin’ up with tears. “Alright, baby girl. That’s good.” Takin’ her by the hand, I swing her up in my arms and around to rest on my back. She squalls out, then lets out a light giggle.

“You scared me!” She laughs. Savannah and Braden stay back givin’ me the chance to show Brailee her surprise.

Walkin’ through the field behind the house, Brailee asks, “So this is our home now?”

“Sure is, baby girl. Do you think you’ll like it here?” She grips onto my shoulders a little tighter, but stays quiet. “There’s a creek out this way and I can take y’all fishin’ this spring. Y’all can ride your bikes, get a swing set, maybe even a few more animals if you want. We can camp out and have bonfires, too.” She lets everything sink in, but like her momma I can tell she’s stewin’. She’s far too quiet.

We come closer to the arena and I slide Brailee off my back so she can explore everything on her own. She takes in her surroundings, studyin’ every inch of the property with wonderment. “What’s over there?” She asks, pointing towards the arena.

“Go on and have a look.” She takes off ahead of me, rippin’ at the ankle high grass as she walks.

Suddenly she pauses in her steps and slowly brings her index finger up to her lips. “Shhh….I need to listen.” Her eyes scan her surroundings harder as she listens to the white noises around us. She glances over her shoulder at me and something registers in her face. Not sure if it’s the trollopin’ sounds she’s hearin’, the scent of hay in the air or the glint of amusement she sees in my eyes. She turns around and takes off in a dead sprint towards the arena, runnin’ as fast as her little legs can carry her. I pick up my pace, joggin’ behind her.

She wastes no time with the gate, climbin’ through the rungs of fence post. Recognition washes over Brailee’s face and she screams, “Buttercup!” Buttercup slows her gallops and turns towards Brailee, instantly recognizing her long lost friend. Brailee runs towards the horse and wraps her arms around Buttercup the best she can. Buttercup leans her head into Brailee and nickers. For such a surprise reunion, this is truly one of the most beautiful moments I’ve seen. Unlike buying Braden a puppy to console his fears of all the changes in his young life, reuniting Brailee with her horse was giving this little girl a love that was stripped from her.

If it took every dime in my pocket to see these kids smile, I’d spare it. I love them as if they’re my own and I’ll always do whatever I can to love and take care of them.

“LUKE! Luke, please tell me you have a saddle!! Can I please ride!” Brailee jumps up and down, flailin’ her arms with excitement.

“Yeah, baby girl. In the barn. Let’s go. I’ll show ya around. She’s home with ya now, so you gotta help me take care of her. Deal?” I put my hand out for her to shake but she surprises me and leaps up in my arms and plants a kiss on my cheek.

“Yes! Deal! I can’t believe you brought my Buttercup back to me, Luke. That’s the nicest thing anyone could have ever done.”

“Come on, kiddos. It’s time for bed.” Savannah calls into the kitchen where I’m sharin’ chocolate chip cookies and milk with the twins. They huff and roll their eyes.

“Luke, talk Momma into lettin’ us stay up a little later tonight, please,” Brailee says, her sweet smile meetin’ her eyes.

“You’re cute, baby girl, but I ain’t about to get on your momma’s bad graces just so you can fall asleep on the couch in fifteen minutes.”

“Ahhh, Luke!” She whines. Yep, such a flair for the dramatic.

“Up ya go!” I say, liftin’ ‘em both up outta their chairs and sling them over my shoulders. I carry them upstairs wh

ere Savannah is waitin’ for them with a book in hand.

“So my children are sacks of potatoes now, Luke?” Savannah laughs, seein’ Brailee and Braden over each of my shoulders. I plant their feet on the floor and send them to brush their teeth.

“Hey, woman – you wanted ‘em in the bed, didn’t ya?” I tell her once they’re outta ear shot. “If I’d been persuaded by Brailee’s antics any further, I’d be beggin’ ya to let ‘em stay up late. But no, I didn’t let that cute smile break me down! See that – that’s teamwork, sweetheart. You should be so proud.”

“Aww, Luke, you are so cute,” she grins.

“Cute?” I say in utter disbelief, rememberin’ the time I nearly broke Savannah’s heart when I called her cute. “You call Ryleigh cute. Handsome, devilishly sexy – those are flirtations I can work with. But cute?” I gasp, claspin’ my hand over my chest for the full shocked affect. “I do have to say, Sav, you just punctured my heart.”

Brailee and Braden run into the room and pile into Brailee’s queen size bed beside Savannah. Savannah adjusts the covers over them both, then opens the book. She parts her mouth to read the first words and looks up at me in confusion, the twins’ eyes following hers. “Luke, what are you doing?”

I didn’t consider that she might want a few peaceful moments with the kids. Since the fire she has put all of her focus on tendin’ to me and gettin’ the house ready to bring the kids home. She’s missed them. I feel stupid for hoverin’ over them like this. “Sorry, sweetheart. I’ll be downstairs.” I turn on my heel towards the stairs when her voice startles me.