But always playing the hero, Luke promised Carly that he wouldn’t let me out of his sight. She was reluctant for me to leave, but knowing Luke would be watching over me comforted her.

Pulling in the garage, I make sure the door is closed before letting the kids out. They bathed and had snacks at Carly’s, so I send them upstairs to get ready for bed. Braden reminds me it’s his night to pick a book to read as he trudges up the steps, the sound of the doorbell ringing cutting into his words. I wait for Braden and Brailee to clear the stairs before opening the front door.

“Hey, Sweetheart.” Luke says as he tries to step inside the house. I keep my hand firmly braced on the back of the door blocking his entry.

“Luke, I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, but I’m okay. Don’t worry over me. Go on home, ‘kay.” I push the door forward to close it, but he sticks his foot in the jamb stopping me.

“Open the door, Sav.”

“Go home, Luke.” I beg, resting my head against the door.

“Damn it, Savannah. I’ve slept on this frickin’ porch how many nights, keepin’ an eye on you? Do you really think I’m gonna just walk away now when you need me the most? Open the door now, sweetheart.” His voice is stern and demanding, yet sweet and endearing. I want to argue with him, tell him how I’ve watched for him so many nights over the last two weeks. I want to yell at him for causing me to worry. But what good would any of that do? I step backwards, pulling the door open welcoming Luke inside silently. He pulls his boots off then begins to roam through the house.

“What are you doing?” I ask, following behind him into the kitchen. I can’t describe the curiosity that peeks with Luke’s return. Why is he here now?

“Just checkin’ things out. Makin’ sure the alarm is set.”

“Thanks. But that’s not what I meant.” I mutter.

“What did ya mean, Sav?”

“Wh-what,” I pinch my eyes together and swallow back the lump of nerves knotted up in my throat. “Wh-why are you s-so insistent to st-stay?”

Luke steps into my personal space, too close for comfort and says, “Because I care about you, Sav.” My chest swells with panic and I take a step backwards drawing in a long breath, but Luke’s woodsy scent envelops my senses causing me to feel dizzy and off kilter. “Sweetheart, ya alright?” Luke asks gripping his hands around my hips, righting me on my feet.

“I’m okay,” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. “There are fresh linens in the guest room. Just help yourself to anything you’d like.”

I take swift steps towards the steps without even saying Goodnight.

Damn if he ain’t persistent. The last three days Luke hasn’t left my side. He goes with me to take the kids to school and when I run errands. He even sat in my damn Zumba class with me yesterday. He’s tried to be friendly, making small conversation which I shut down quickly with a short response. I was hoping that by pushing him away and ignoring him he would give up quickly, realizing that I don’t need him. But he’s determined to break through the steel cage I have built up around me.

Before picking the kids up from school, Luke insists we stop by the grocery store. I donn’t argue, I figure I’ll just go ahead and do my shopping for the week – ya know, kill two birds with one stone. Luke keeps his hand on the small of my back as we navigate through the store, only breaking away to snatch an item from the shelf, tossing it in the buggy. I want to hate his touch, hate the comfort that it gives me, but it’s impossible.

“What’s all this mess you’re gettin’?” I ask, eyeing the buggy as we make our way to checkout.

“Cookin’ dinner tonight, sweetheart.” He replies with a smirk. He can cook? Maybe I should pick up a fire extinguisher and a frozen pizza just in case?

“Well, Savannah, you sure waste no time movin’ on, now do ya?” I stop dead in my tracks when I hear Lynda Russell call from behind me as we stand in the checkout line.

“Brown nosin’ again I see, Lynda,” I reply with an eye roll. Luke unloads the groceries onto the belt, keeping a trained eye on me. He can sense that I’m easily affected by Lynda’s comments, but instead of stepping in and saying anything, he allows me the chance to handle it on my own.

“Oh not brown nosin’ at all. It’s hard to miss when you’re parading all through town with walking sex on your arm,” Lynda says with a bitchy tone.

Now usually, I’d shrug her ignorance off. But I’m fed up. Seriously ready to blow a frickin’ fuse. I can feel heat rise up my neck, blanketing over my face and I have to fist my hands to my sides to keep from reachin’ out and touchin’ Lynda.

Thank ya Jesus my babies ain’t with me to witness this momentarily lapse of conscious and my raging anger. Amen.

I turn around to face Lynda, bracing my hand steadily on the counter. “Listen up, sweets! My life is none of your concern. I don’t understand why you feel the need to make everything your business, but if you would put half as much effort in your own marriage as you do everyone’s business, you may not be such a miserable bitch.” Her jaw drops as she gasps, shock clearly written all over her face. “Now, I’m usually Miss Peachy Keen, always trying to get along with everyone, but to be honest with ya, I’ve had enough of your shit. So keep your nose outta my ass,” I say proudly. I can hear Luke behind me doing his best to stifle back his laughter.

“I can’t believe you’d have the gall,” Lynda begins to say when I cut her off again.

“Not so nice when the shoe’s on the other foot, now is it, sweets. Have a good day, Lynda.” I wave, dismissing her. My God, just the sight of this wom

an causes my blood to boil. Lynda backs up, turning her buggy in the opposite direction, scoffin’, spittin’ and sputterin’. Luke looks over at me and I put my hand up silently begging him to drop the topic.

“Handled yourself well back there,” Luke says as we load the groceries into the SUV.

“Please, I’m not in the mood to discuss this.” I snap at him.