I can’t help but to hang my head low in shame. Colton dismisses our conversation and walks inside the house accepting the warm greetings of his family. Their smiles are contagious and it’s touching to see so much happiness from one family. I envy this. I crave this.

After dinner, Carly carries on the evening with all the kids as if it’s her everyday routine, giving Colton and I the chance to talk. He tells me that he found a crumpled up note on the couch at Savannah’s house and that the message inscribed in the note alarmed him. He says that Savannah assumes the note was a message from Drew and that he showed up last week urging her not to go see Josh at the county jail.

“Did she ever go see him?” I inquire.

“Against our better judgment, she did. I understand that she’s tryin’ to move on, but I just couldn’t understand what seein’ him would do to persuade him to sign the damn paperwork.”

“I told her to go see him, Colton. She’s been strugglin’ to find her strength and I thought facin’ him would show her the finality of that part of her life.”

Colton nods. He makes light conversation with me about my trip to Lexington, askin’ about Momma and such. He tip toes around the real reason for my visit, careful not to rattle any memories I don’t need to focus on right now.

The kids come barrelin’ through the house, burst of squallin’ laughter filterin’ through the air as they chase each other around the furniture and back through the hallway. Their loud enough to wake the dead, and it’s only moments later that a sleepy Savannah comes trudg

in’ through the living room rubbin’ her tired eyes. She heads straight to the Keurig to perk a cup of coffee. Once her mug is full she turns around, leaning against the counter and takes small sips, her eyes drifting closed as the warmth of the coffee spreads through her.

“Hey Sis, feelin’ any better?” Carly asks walkin’ into the kitchen.

“I guess. I don’t remember much of anything. Must have been pretty exhausted.” She shrugs.

Colton stands up and walks into the kitchen. “You’ll be safe now, Savannah. I changed all the locks and upgraded the security system at your house.” Hiding her face from their accusing eyes she mutters, “Thank you.”

“Go sit down and I’ll bring you a plate. I’m sure you’re famished, having not eaten all day.”

Savannah pads into the living room with her coffee cup clutched tightly in her hand, keeping her eyes cast down. She balls up in the corner of the couch pulling her knees up in her chest as she lays her head back, releasing a straggled sigh. She’s less than four feet away from me, just sittin’ on the other side of the couch, yet somehow she’s so caught up in her own head she didn’t even recognize my presence. Reaching across the couch I cup my hand over hers’ and say softly, “hey, sweetheart.” Her head snaps up, her eyes wide as saucers as she glares back at me. Judging by the strained look on her face and her mouth hangin’ agape, I’d say her breath must be caught in her throat. “Ya alright, Sav?”

She glances down at our conjoined hands offensively, then rips her hand from my hold placing it in her lap. “Hi.” She mutters, averting her eyes away from me.

Carly brings her a plate of food and she eats while answering Carly and Colton’s questions. She does her best to hold back the tears that pool in her eyes, hiding the pain and sheer terror she’s feeling.

“You need to take that letter to the police, Savannah.” Carly warns her, but Savannah shakes her head ignoring her advice.

“We both know Drew has half of the local law enforcement in his back pocket, Carly. No point in wasting my time with them.” Savannah says, carrying her plate to the kitchen. She rinses the residue then places the plate in the dishwasher. Carly huffs, angrily rolling her eyes at Savannah’s stubbornness, but Savannah is right. Drew is only tryin’ to lure her to him, playing her into his hand. She disappears down the hallway, then returns a few minutes later with Brailee and Braden in tow.

“Sis, Colton, thank you for everything. We’ll get outta ya hair now.”

“You’re going home tonight? Why? What if…”

“She’ll be safe, beauts, ‘cause I ain’t lettin’ her outta my sight.” I interject as I make my way to the front entryway. Savannah’s mouth parts as she starts to speak. She glances over to Colton, then up at me apprehensively.

“Savannah, you’ll be safe.” Colton nods, then glances over at me. “But you know you’re more than welcome to stay here.” Colton tells her.

“I know and I appreciate the offer. But I refuse to let him beat me down further than where I’ve been.” She smiles nervously, but I can see a small flicker of courage light up in her eyes as she speaks.

“Stay safe please, Sis.” Carly hugs her tight and they say their goodbyes.

Savannah loads the kids into the SUV then climbs in the driver seat without sparing me a passing glance. She’s been strong and silent with me all night, refusin’ to look at me when I speak to her and I understand where she’s comin’ from. But one thing she best realize now is I’ve done screwed up leavin’ her when I did. I’m back now and I refuse to lose sight of her.

Chapter Fourteen

He’s back.

My conscience reminds me as I argue with myself on the drive home.

But why now? Where the hell has he been?

What’s it matter? He’s back!

After not hearing a word from Luke for two weeks, he finally returns. When he placed his hand over mine, a searing heat blanketed over me and I felt safe instantly. Then my mind took over and I remembered seeing him with another woman in his arms just last week. The air in the room evaporated with that memory and I just wanted to run. I couldn’t stand to look in his eyes or to be close to him because I am simply that angry right now.