
Thirty eight minutes later I slam my truck in park and nearly rip the door frame from the jamb trying to get in Carly’s house. The door’s locked, so I rap my knuckles across the glass gently and wait impatiently. Thirty seconds later I knock again, a little harder. The door pulls open wide and Carly’s brow quirks up. Yeah, I’m sure they both have questions, but right now seein’ that Savannah’s safe is far more important than my whereabouts.

“Beauts, where is she?” I ask, brushin’ past Carly.

“Well hello to you, too, ass wipe. She’s sleeping, so if you don’t mind keepin’ it down?”

“How long she been asleep for?”

“Four hours maybe? I don’t know. This morning is all a blur. Want some coffee? You look like you could use it.”

“Yeah, sure. Care to fill me in on what the hell’s goin’ on?” Carly shrugs her shoulders as she waits for the cup to fill up. “Don’t give me the silent treatment, beauts. I know I didn’t tell ya where I was goin’, but you’ll understand once I explain it.” She places the cup of coffee in my hand, a small smile playing on the corner of her lip.

“That’s fine, Luke. I really don’t know what’s goin’ on. She barged in here this morning yelling, crying, and panicked. She was all over the place. Colton had to leave work to come calm her down. All I got outta her was Drew was in her house. Colton left to change the locks and I ain’t seen him sense.” She glances down at the screen of her phone, rolling her eyes. “Figured I’d at least have gotten the call to bail him out by now. Unless he’s still hiding a body, of course. Maybe a few more hours?”

“That shit ain’t funny, Carly.” I chide her. Shit couldn’t have got this real this fast. Hell I wasn’t gone no more than two friggin’ weeks.

“Not funny at all, Luke, but you know Colton frickin’ Weston will do whatever it takes to protect his family. That includes Savannah and the kids.” I know Colton’s protective of his family, but I can’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy that he was the one Savannah had to turn to today in her state of distress.

“Do you mind if I just peek in on her. I know she’s safe if she’s with you, but I need to see her for myself.” Carly tips her head towards the hallway and I spring up to my feet in a hurry to check on her. I firmly grip the door handle, easin’ it open quietly. Savannah’s prone form is balled up under a mess of blankets and pillows, and I wouldn’t even be able to discern she is in fact in the bed if it weren’t for Carly reassuring me.

“She’s there, Luke. She was freezing, so I bundled her up. She’s always slept with a pillow smooshed over her face to keep the light outta her eyes. Guess it’s just become a comforting habit through the years. I’m sure she’ll wake up in a few hours. Just let her rest.” I nod, then pull the door closed.

I follow Carly back into the living room and drop down on the couch. I scrub my hand over my face in frustration, lettin’ out a breathy sigh. I can’t help but to feel defeated in this moment. I know I should have been here for Savannah, holdin’ her through this shit storm she’s been dragged into. I always show up where I’m needed, until it’s when I’m needed most.

All I know is Drew somehow got into Savannah’s house, but what happened thereafter is complete mystery. Colton was so pissed on the phone he gave very little details. So I just wait…and I’m not a patient person.

“I don’t need an explanation on where you’ve been, Luke. Just tell me that you’re home for good. ‘Cause if not, there’s really no point in showin’ up now, only to vanish silently again. Savannah doesn’t need that.”

I knew to be prepared for Carly’s third degree. She may be the little sister of the two, but she’s protective of Savannah.

“I know she don’t, beauts. Believe it or not, I left for her. But I promise ya, I’m here to stay.” I assure her.

“You’re fallin’ for her ain’t ya?” Carly asks with a playful smile tuggin’ up her lips.

“Don’t start this with me, beauts. Please.” Now she’s takin’ her third degree a bit too far. I know how I feel for Savannah, but I ain’t ready to voice it to anyone. When I am, Savannah will be the first to hear it.

“Luke, I don’t need you to tell me. I can see it written all over your face. The way you look at her, the way you touch her. The obsessive need to watch over her. It’s so evident. You look at her the way Colton looks at me. Savannah deserves your love, Luke. I just don’t know if she’s ready to receive it.”

“Lucky for her, I ain’t got nothin’ but time.” Carly doesn’t push any further. She understands what I’m sayin’ without me havin’ to actually say it, thankfully.

It isn’t long before the kids come in from school. Brailee’s eyes pop open wide when she spots me sittin’ on the couch. She drops her backpack on the floor and rushes over to the couch lockin’ her arms around my neck. I’m quite shocked by her reaction. Don’t get me wrong, she’s always been a chatty little bugger, but this display of affection is different. Welcome, but different.

Carly puts all the kids at the dining room table and busies them with their homework, offering them snacks to satisfy them ‘til supper.

“Where’s my momma?” Braden asks quietly, keeping his concentration on his work.

“She’s laying down in Heidi Jo’s room, sweets.” Carly replies.

“Why is she asleep? It’s almost supper time.” He retorts, inquisitively.

“She just wasn’t feelin’ good, Braden. She’ll be awaken in a few hours.” Braden nods at Carly, but I can see the worry fill his eye. He knows it’s uncharacteristic.

I hear Colton’s truck pull in the driveway and I spring to my feet heading outside. He slaps the back of my shoulder and mutters, “Hey man,” Colton says as he steps up on the porch and begins to pull off his work boots.

“She’s still asleep. Know anything more than what you’ve told me?”

“There weren’t any signs of a break in, so only thing I can figure is Drew has a key. Won’t much matter now because I changed the locks and spent the last four hours upgradin’ the damn security system. They should be safe now, but I’m not sure she’ll be ready to go home for a few nights.” He scrubs his hand over his face, taking a deep pull of air. “She stayed a few nights last week, but she’s quiet and stays off to herself. Carly tried to talk to her, but she just kept changin’ the topic. She’s closin’ herself off. But to be honest with ya, Luke, I think you leavin’ may have been the worst thing possible for her.”