“Good girl. Are you scared, Savannah?”

I shake my head yes.

“What happened? I need you to talk to me or I can’t protect you.”

“Drew. Fireplace,” I choke back a sob that hiccups in my throat.

“Drew?” I nod and Colton’s lip tips up slightly, pleased that he’s finally getting a response from me. “What did Drew do?”

“Fireplace. In my house.” My breathing hitches as another sob chokes its way out and Colton tightens his grip around my shoulders, silently telling me I’m safe.

“Was Drew in your house, Savannah?” I nod my head urgently and the sobs take over. Colton’s eyes draw into tiny slits as rage begins to seep from his pores. Heat radiates around him as his fury ignites. “Make her some tea, then put her in Heidi Jo’s bed. I don’t want her out of this damn house.” Carly nods, making her way into the kitchen. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Momma will pick all the kids up from school. Keep the doors locked and I mean it when I say I want her in the bed, sleeping. She’s wore herself into exhaustion and I’m damn sure she’s in shock right now.” Colton stands up from the couch, then crouches before me, taking my face in his hands. “Savannah, listen to me. I want you to lie down and sleep. You’re safe here, I promise you that. I’m gonna take care of everything, just stay here and please rest. Your kids need you healthy, okay?” I nod my head and Carly sits beside me, placing a cup of tea in my hands.

“Colton, where are you going?” She asks him as he approaches the front door.

“Goin’ by Savannah’s house to change all the damn locks first off. After that, I ain’t made up my mind yet.” I can hear the fury in his deep voice. Carly’s spine stiffens and I know she fully understands his reply.

“Colton, damn it! Please don’t go do anything stupid. You have a family to think of!” Carly yells at him, her eyes filling with tears.

“No promises, darlin’. I’ll be back shortly. Do what I said.” And with that he’s gone, slamming the door behind him, leaving a trail of coal dust in his wake.

Chapter Thirteen

I woke up this morning fighting for oxygen. At first, I thought it was the usual sensation of waking up from the same dream I’ve dreamt over and over, but then I realized I didn’t dream about Alyson and Sawyer’s death last night. Sitting up on the edge of the bed, I scan back through my memory trying to piece together my dream so I can make some sense of this gnawing feeling I woke up with. I see flames and panic. Something feels strange, but for the life of me I can’t clutch my clarity enough to gain a clear sight of this intuition.

Carryin’ on about my day, I fix a few things around Momma’s house just to kill time. I’m gettin’ antsy sittin’ here in Lexington, and although I’m not ready to go back to Williamstown and face Savannah, I know I gotta eventually put one foot in front of the other and go after the happiness I want.

I finish up my handyman tasks, then decide to grab a quick shower. I set the shower to warm up then undress. Catchin’ a glance of my grizzly untrimmed beard, I consider shavin’ but decide to leave it for another day. As the white fog envelops the room, I step in the shower and immediately begin to suffocate as the heat and steam of the shower take my breath away. I turn the temperature down, then rest my head against the cool ceramic tiles while I steady my breathing. I can hear my heart thudding wildly in my ears and my chest is tight and painful. Pinching my eyes closed I slowly repeat the fifty states in alphabetical order. Once the panic attack subsides I inhale a calming breath then wash off.

Pullin’ on my ragged jeans and a dark grey tee-shirt, I head into the kitchen to find some lunch. Momma made a plate of leftovers for me in the fridge, so I warm that up. I flip the TV on and scan through the channels boringly while I eat. Nothing catches my interest so I flip the TV off and eat in silence. It’s so quiet that the usual peaceful calm in the air is replaced with urgency. Scrubbing my hand over my face, I try to pin point whatever it is that I’m feelin’ but I’m comin’ up short.

The phone rings, startling me from thought. I glance at the caller id to see an eight hundred number flash across the screen. Damn telemarketers will nag the hell outta anyone they get a number for. I answer the phone, screwin’ around with the caller briefly. He’s offering a free installation of a high end security system for only one hundred ninety nine dollars down and thirty seven dollars monthly maintenance fee. I kindly object his offer, knowin’ good and well he’ll urge me to purchase, tryin’ to work his magic with the way of his words. And he does. I tell him I have a few security systems in place already – an American bulldog named King and Old Faithful. He proceeds to ask, with a slight chuckle, who is Old Faithful. I reply, “Glock nine, fully loaded one in the chamber. Clear shot, too. So you can keep that thirty seven dollar monthly maintenance plan because my Old Faithful will only cost me a few pennies if King don’t finish ‘em off first.” Ain’t never heard the lifeless ding of a dial tone so quick in my life. I enjoy a good laugh outta it.

Placin’ the phone back on the receiver a thought occurs to me. I ain’t seen my cell phone since I got here. I go into the bedroom and check my duffle bag but come up empty, so I search out the truck. Sure enough it’s wedged down between the seats. Pressing the power button, the battery symbol flashes informing me that it’s dead. Should have assumed as much. I grab the extra charger from the glove box and head back inside to charge up my phone.

I plug the phone into the charger and it dings to life instantly. Ping after ping roll in, and I know immediately this is all Savannah. Leavin’ without an explanation I’m sure I hurt her feelings. I’ll explain it all in time when I’m good and ready. I scan through the notifications to find a mass of missed calls and messages: Figured you’d stopped by tonight? Find another damsel? Where are you? Luke, are you okay? We’re cookin’ out at Carly’s if you wanna join us. Where are you? I miss you and a few others. The one that sticks out to me is the last one, I miss you, but it’s dated over a week ago. Damn, I sure hope she ain’t too upset with me.

Just then my phone pings again and a slight sliver of hope swells up in my chest. I open the messenger app and my heart plummets to the pit of my stomach when Colton’s name flashes across the screen.

I don’t know where your dumb ass is, but the woman you’re runnin’ from needs you and I’m pretty sure her needs are far greater than whatever the hell has you runnin’ scared.

Savannah needs me? Colton knows what I came to Lexington for. Something has had to have happened for him to send a message like that. Without a second thought I pounce to my feet and begin to throw all my shit in my duffle bag. I press TALK next to Colton’s name and wait impatiently for him to pick up.

“Where the hell you at?”

“What’s wrong? Is Savannah okay?”

“Don’t answer my frickin’ question with a question, you dumb ass.”

“Colton, damn it I’m in Lexington. What the hell is wrong?”

“Savannah’s in a bad way. I’ve done changed the locks at her house and Carly managed to get her to go to sleep, but this shit ain’t good.” Damn it! I knew better than to stay gone for so long.

“I’ll be there in an hour. Where the hell is she?” I bark into the phone.

“She’s at my house right now.”

That’s all I need to hear. I press END on the phone without offerin’ another reply. Tossin’ my bag in the back seat I fire up the engine, slammin’ the gear shift in drive then haul ass home to save my woma