Colton replays the events of the accident for us all, skipping the more gruesome facts for the sake of Heidi Jo’s little ears. Bill gives him the rundown of his injury and his prognosis for healing. Emily just sits quietly taking everything in. She has bowed her head and silently prayed several times, but that’s the only comfort she needs right, prayer.

Colton is getting tired, and aggravated, so Bill and Emily take Heidi Jo home so he can rest. He tells me to go home too, but I can’t leave him here alone. I press my forehead to his and cry silently for just a minute. I’ve tried to stay strong in front of him, and Heidi Jo. But Colton always brings out the vulnerable side of my heart. He kisses me gently on the cheek, and shushes my crying. I look up at him under tear soaked lashes, and giggle. I feel silly for crying to him, after all, he is the one suffering in pain right now.

“Darlin’, I think I told you once that you gotta stop that cryin’ shit with me. It crushes my heart, and I’m in enough damn pain.” He mumbles, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb across my cheek, wiping the tears away. He pulls me down to his side and I rest my head against his chest. He smoothes my hair down my back lazily. His eyes are getting heavier by the second, and it isn’t long before he is asleep. I listen to the steady rhythm of his heart beating against his chest, and that is the lullaby that pulls me into dream.

Chapter 32


I startle in my sleep at the presence of someone strange in the room. I force my eyes open and when I see the blue scrubs, I remember that I’m in the hospital. Damn anesthesia has my head a mess, and everything is a fog. The nurse checks my blood pressure and pulse, makin’ notes on her notepad, then turns her attention to the IV bag. She disconnects the medicine bag from the line, and hangs a few fresh bags, reconnectin’ them to the IV.

“What are ya givin’ me in the IV?” I manage to straggle out. My damn throat feels stiff and scratchy from the ventilator they had me connected to durin’ surgery.

“Just a round of fluids and antibiotics.”

“No pain meds?”

“No pain meds, Mr. Weston. But I’m not exactly sure why you’re drawing out the tough guy act.

You had a terrible accident, and there is no sense in stressing your body so you can cope with the pain. So at least think about it. If your pain level gets too high, it could cause issues with your heart.”

“No pain meds. End of discussion. Make a note in my damn chart.” I’m more direct and aggressive than I’d usually be with a woman, but this topic ain’t up for debate. Damn drugs is what put my ass in this mess to begin with.

“Sure thing. If you need anything call out.” She smiles and pushes the small blood pressure cart from the room. The sound of the door closin’ wakes Carly Jo from her sleep. She raises up from the bed, stretchin’ her arms high behind her head, crackin’ her neck from side to side.

“Hey.” She whispers, behind a shaky voice.

“Hey, sweetheart. Did you sleep okay?”

“I was next to you, that’s all that matters. How are ya feelin’?”

“Like my damn arm was mauled off by a frickin’ grizzly bear. But I’m still kickin’ so it’s all good.”

“You scared me. I had no idea how bad the accident was, if the roof collapsed, or what. I was terrified that you were gone.” She whispers as tears begin to trickle down her soft cheek. I pull her close to me and kiss her deeply.

“Baby, I’m so sorry that you were scared. I’d called ya myself, if I could have. No matter how tough of a son of a bitch ya are, if ya get your arm ripped apart, your ass is gonna hit the ground.” I chuckle, tryin’ to ease her worry.

“Mack came by to check on ya. He had to let two of our men go. After the accident, they ran drug screenings on the entire night crew. Two of the guys had drugs present in their system, but Eric was frickin’ lit. Damn son of a bitch best be glad it wasn’t me who fired him, it’d been a lot worse than a damn pink slip, I’ll tell ya that.” She scowls as her face flushes red with heat.

“Eric was usin’? Who else?”


Well shit.

“Damn it all to hell. I knew it.” I yell in frustration. Carly Jo raises up and looks at me behind puzzled eyes.

“Colton, don’t get yourself upset. You knew what? What are you talking about?”

“Baby, I’m sorry. I knew I should have done somethin’ weeks ago. But I wasn’t one hundred percent sure, and needed to check into things a little further before I did anything rash.” I try to explain, but I don’t even know where to begin.

“You’re talkin’ in circles. You knew what, exactly, Colton?” She climbs from the bed, glarin’ at me, waitin’ for answers. Shit.

“The last time I went into work the night shift, I suspected that Eric was high then.”

“What made you suspect that he was high?” Her tone is bitter.

“I’ve lived it. Felt the effect it has on ya too many damn times. He was jittery, couldn’t shut his damn mouth. By the time we came up from underground he was draggin’. I asked him if he was on anything, but he said he wasn’t. Just said he was tired ‘cause he hadn’t been sleepin’.”