“Mack, he suspected that Eric was using drugs, and he did nothing about it. I’m seriously considering demoting him back to general labor, and I definitely want him out of the main mines. So when he’s ready to come back, handle it for me.”

He sits down in the chair in front of the desk, scratching his chin at my request. “Carly, what’s really goin’ on here?”

“He screwed up. That accident could have been tragic! He could have prevented all of it from happening if he would have pulled his head from his ass, and thought about the company, and not about some damn druggie.”

“Listen, I know Weston real good. He’s been on my crew since he started with Simon Energy when he was still wet behind the ears. He was in Eric’s shoes once, ya know. That’s why he handled the situation the way he did.”

“You know about that?”

He nods, pulling a pack of Marlboro Reds from his shirt pocket. He taps the pack against the palm of his hand a couple times, then shakes a cigarette loose from the pack, pulling it to his old weathered lips. “Girl, Big John trusted Weston, and he trusted you. Weston is the best frickin’ superintendent Simon Energy has seen in a long ass time. You’d be crazy to demote him, and you sure as hell won’t find another like him. Boy’s got coal runnin’ through his damn veins.”

“So what reprimand do you suggest I take in regards to this royal screw up??

? I sneer. He pulls a long drag from the cigarette, releasing a puffy grey cloud in the air that causes my breath to catch in my throat. Damn cigarettes, freakin’ disgusting!

“Ya done done it girl.” He nods, like I know exactly what he means, but I’m confused.

“Done what?”

“Carly, I’m an old man, I ain’t stupid. You two kids have been playin’ this same damn game for as long as I can remember. When the hell are you gonna grow up, and just let the man have your heart? You know it’s his already, but you just keep on fightin’ it. Now I know I ain’t ya Daddy, but it’s time to stop the games, before ya cause the both of ya more pain than can be forgiven.” And with that, the old coot stands on his feet, and leaves my office.

Well it seems everyone is seeing through cloudy vision but me. I don’t trust well. Colton knows this, and he still betrayed my trust by handling this situation with Eric so negligently. He should have come to me and informed me of what he suspected, if he wasn’t comfortable making that judgment call. Hell, he’s been a miner with Simon Energy for eight damn years, and he knows the dangers that lie underground. One mistake. That’s all it takes before lives are lost.

Chapter 35

Luke has been calling my phone non-stop since Monday, when I asked him to leave my house. I know he worries about me, but I really need to sort my thoughts on my own. I should have never asked Luke to stay with me Sunday night, but I was in a bad place, and needed comforting. Fueling my emotions with alcohol was bad enough, but that alcohol encouraged the sex that Luke and I shared, and that was all so wrong.

I keep rejecting his calls, sending them to voicemail and not returning any of his texts messages. Should have known that would lead to him showing up where he knew he could find me…Simon Energy.

Shelly ushers him into my office, where he takes a seat in front of my desk. I smile up at him, before turning back to my work.

“You’re okay,” he states, and the worry slides from his face.

“I’m fine, Luke. Just been really busy. MSHA investigators have been swarming the place since the accident.” I lie. There hasn’t been an MSHA investigator here since Monday, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“Carly, I know that you were upset when you woke up in my arms. I’m sorry for that, but I’m not sorry for what we shared. I’ve always thought you were beautiful, and now that I know the real Carly, I want more of you. But, I have to be honest with myself. I know as long as Weston is in the picture, I don’t stand a chance.”

And here he is, tearing at my heartstrings.

“Luke, I’m so sorry. We shouldn’t have happened. I won’t deny that I feel a connection to you, just like I feel so protected and safe when I’m with you. But we can’t be more than friends.”

“I know, that’s why I’m bein’ honest with myself. But, just because you won’t give me more, doesn’t mean I still don’t wanna be a part of your life. I want to protect you from all of the pain you don’t deserve. Even if I can only do that as a friend, I’m willing to deal with that, just to have you in my life.”

“Luke, you’ll always be a part of my life. You’re my best friend.”

“So you ain’t been ignorin’ me all week, sendin’ my calls to voicemail?”

“I told you I was busy.” I laugh, trying to hide behind my lie.

“I know, beauts. But remember, I see right through you.” He grins wide, peering his mesmerizing icy blue gaze through me.

“Sorry,” I whisper, with a small smile.

“It’s okay. Don’t make me come hunt your ass down again, okay. Talk to me, I’m always here.”

“I know, I just didn’t know what to expect after I kicked your ass out.”

“Won’t know ‘til you ask. I gotta get going. Can I get a hug?” I stand, meeting him at the side of the desk, where he wraps me up in a tight embrace. I inhale his deep woodsy scent, as if it’s the last time he’ll ever hold me close. “Listen to me honey, and hear me out. You deserve some happiness. Stop being so damn bull headed, and let Weston in. Talk to him, like you talk to me. It ain’t that hard. He loves you, Carly.” I raise my head from his chest, and look up at him with questioning eyes.