As soon as he’s done with his little sissy tantrum, I pick up the phone and call James McCoy. Alisa makes no delay in forwarding my call to James. I inform him that I need a hard copy of all of Simon Energy’s company contracts sent over by a courier, as well as sent to my email by the end of business today. James agrees, and disconnects immediately.

I don’t full-heartedly trust James, so I call downstairs to the filing department to see if we have another copy of the contract in house. Daddy always kept important documents like that in this office, so why they aren’t here now is beyond me, but I can’t find any of our company contracts.

Finally after battling with this since I stepped foot through the door, I can exhale. The office is quiet, the phones have stopped ringing, and Colton Weston has finally given up and has left me alone. Finally. I have just a slither of peace. I rest my head back against the cool leather chair, pinching the bridge of my nose, trying to push away the migraine that threatens to attack at any given moment. Colton has every reason to be concerned for the way I’m operating the company because I doubt myself. Don’t get me wrong, although sales aren’t steady, productivity is booming at all five mines, we have set the record with safety this quarter. I’ve ran Daddy’s coal company for three months, and have managed not to send his damn empire up in flames.

My heart is a tangled mess of emotions and I don’t know which way is up. When I was in Myrtle Beach, I had the strength each day to crawl out of bed, and press forward, because I had blocked the heartache of my past from my mind, and was determined to live, happily. But now, all of the stress of running this mines, learning all of Daddy’s secrets, and having Colton Weston breathing his hot, sultry breath down my neck at every chance, leaves me feeling overwhelmed. I hate the feeling of doubt that has stained my confidence.

Everything changed when I came home to Kentucky. I feel like I’m drowning. I am totally out of my element here. I have half the mind to leave work tonight, and drive straight to Myrtle Beach, never looking back. Leave Simon Energy behind for someone else to battle with.

Damn, I’ll never be rid of my daddy’s control. Even from the grave, I realize there hasn’t been a moment in my life that he hasn’t had his foul claws dug deep into my life. It disgusts me that someone that I loved and trusted without question, could be so manipulative and corrupt. But that was my daddy. That’s Big John Simon.

A knock on the door interrupts my self-loathing so I inhale a deep cleansing breath, and invite the visitor in. Shelly steps inside and informs me that McCoy Law Offices had called, and no contracts could be found. Surprising, right. I tell her to stay in contact with Natalie, in the filing department to see if any copies of the contracts are found. Shelly agrees, asking if I need anything else before leaving my office. I turn my attention back to the filing cabinets, and begin going through each file with a fine tooth comb.

After twenty minutes into my search, my office door swings open, then slams, rattling the pictures on the walls. Glancing over my shoulder, I see that it is Colton. His face is red, and full of anger. He stops in front of my desk, and shoots daggers down at me as he runs his fingers through his hair in frustration.

“I know Emily Weston well enough to know that she taught you your manners. So please, tell me why you feel the need to piss me off further by invading my privacy and just walking the hell on in, without knockin’?” I toss at him, without even looking his way. I’m too engrossed in finding this damn contract.

“You still can’t find the damn contract either?” He spits at me, his tongue sliced in anger. I glance up at him, raising my eye brow in question. He knows, without even hearing my words, what the look on my face is expressing.

“Yeah, I called my old man. He told me what was goin’ on. What the hell was so damn hard with you tellin’ me yourself, is beyond me, but you can fill me in on that shit when I’m done here, darlin’. Dad’s copy of the contract is missin’ too. I know what that bastard Drew Varney is tryin’ to do, Carly Jo. It makes sense, he’s a smart son of a bitch. Kinda reminds me of the same business sense Big John had. But regardless, we gotta find the contract. Drew is puttin’ some real heat on my old man to breach the contract with Simon Energy. Pops is torn, Carly Jo. He don’t know what to do.” Colton says, dropping down in the chair in front of the desk. He palms his face, and lets out a grunted rumble from deep within his chest. His face is red with heat. Tension mares all over Colton’s body, as he cracks his knuckles, flexes his shoulders, and rolls his neck from left to right. I’ve seen Colton like this. Colton is fighting mad and I’m willing to bet that if he got his hands on Drew right now, he’d strangle the breath from his putrid, filthy body. Drew Varney, come on down!

I walk around the desk, and sit on the edge, right in front of Colton, so that I have his undivided attention. The moment I’m within close contact he looks up at me, the anger still deep in his dark eyes. No matter how hard I try to distance myself from Colton, and keep my heart beneath the steel cage it’s encased in, there is no denying the affect we have on each other. Our bodies are like magnets, pulling each other closer together at every contact.

“Colton, Drew Varney is dangerous. I don’t know what to do in this situation, but he needs eliminated from Dalton Trucking and our lives for good.”

“Dangerous? What the hell do you mean? I thought you didn’t know Drew Varney?”

Shit. How to cover my tracks after that epic screw up. I bite down on my lip, and think for a second, but before I can say anything, Colton speaks up again.

“Baby, your hidin’ something. You’re bitin’ that damn lip, which is a tell-tell sign that you’re nervous. Just what exactly is it? And don’t lie to me, because I always figure you out.”

“I’ve researched him. Your dad said I need to know who my competitors are, so I looked into him. He’s not the perfect frat boy he’s put off to be.” I don’t lie, but I don’t tell the full truth either.

Colton stares at me with questioning eyes for a beat. “Like what, how dangerous?”

“Look at his track record as CEO, Colton. Look at the MSHA violations, the safety issues, and injuries his miners have sustained. It’s all in black and white. Public Record, all ya gotta do is Google him,” I reply, shrugging my shoulders.

“I’ve been here since four a.m.. Night shift was shit, and I’m done with this day. I’m gonna take off, I’ll talk to Dad when he gets in tonight, and see what else is goin’ on.”

“Wait, what happened with night shift?”

“Nothin’ happened, I’m just tired from bein’ here half the damn night and all damn mornin’.”

He stands tall before me, tucking my hair behind my ear. Trailing his fingers softly down my cheek, he looks longingly into my eyes, before giving me his signature wink and smirk.

“Call me if ya need anything, darlin’.” He whispers, kissing my forehead.

My breath hitches at his close contact and the very essence of his scent. Inhaling deeply, I try to breathe him in, before his scent is lost in the air. Colton turns on his feet, and stomps heavily out my office.

Chapter 26

After shredding apart every filing cabinet in my office, I still can’t locate the Simon Energy/Dalton Trucking Contract. The walls of my office are slowly closing in on me, trapping me into a slow asphyxiating death. Before my mind cracks any further, I grab my things, and take off for the day. I leave strict instructions with Shelly that I’m to be called the moment the contract is found, and nobody is to enter my office under any circumstances. I’m leaving files scattered about in a mess, and I don’t need any more sticky fingers misplacing important documents.

It’s just after three o’clock when I leave, and since the day has been so hectic, I decide to swing by The Village Diner to pick up a quick dinner. From there, I plan to go home, strip these filthy soot covered clothes from my body and climb into a hot bubble bath, where my Kindle and my latest book boyfriend will

be waiting for me.

Pulling into the diner, I hurry inside to place my order. I take a seat at the bar and wait for the grill master to throw together my greasy bacon cheeseburger, and salty fries. Oh, don’t forget that slice of peanut butter fudge cheesecake, cause we know I ain’t coming to The Village without indulging in a slice of that pure sin. Besides, I’ve had a long day, and they remove the calories in all of their food here at The Village.