She crosses her arms over her chest and scrunches her face up in a scowl. “You wouldn’t,” she deadpans, glaring at Madden.

“You don’t wanna be on the naughty list, Belly,” Maverick tells her.

“Why not? My JoJo is,” she confirms, cockin’ her head to smile up at me. “Ain’t you, JoJo?”

Madden pins me with a glare as his face turns beet red.

“I’s heard my daddy tellin’ her that last night. She was a bad girl so he put her on the naughty list! She cried like a cat and everything.”

Well, fuckity fuck.

Bryn grasps on to Maverick’s arm for support as she doubles over at the waist, her laughter so strong she’s nearly convulsing. “Damn, I’m seein’ Jo in a new light!” Maverick yells, wagglin’ his brows at me. Madden scoops Belle up into his arms and carries her into the living room, shovin’ Mav and barin’ his teeth along the way.

“You’re right, Belly, so since JoJo is on the naughty list, we’ll make her clean up the kitchen while we watch Rudolph.” He winks at me, playin’ it off.

That fucker. Madden settles in on the couch with Belle and Kenny on each side of him, Maverick takin’ the recliner.

“Did I seriously come over to clean and bake?” Bryn groans as I reach her a wet cloth. “I need a more excitin’ social life!”

“Oh hush, Cinderella, and get to cleanin’.”



“I can’t believe it’s snowing!” Jordan cheers as she bounces on the balls of her feet, whether in excitement or to stay warm—I’m not sure which.

River Street in the Savannah Historic District is bursting with tourists and locals all ready to ring in the new year Savannah style, watchin’ the Mason jar drop from the rooftop of the old River Street Inn. Carter and I are huddled around our women, tryin’ to keep them warm in the blustery temps. It’s unusual for Savannah to see actual winter temps. Small star-like flakes coat every surface in sight, a sparkle of white dancin’ against the light of the streetlamps.

“I need another shot to stay warm!” Laney begs.

“YES! SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” comes from Bryn, who’s already swaying with every step she takes. She’s become the fifth wheel of our group, doin’ everything she can to stay out of Maverick’s sights. Which isn’t difficult when he’s lookin’ for tail anywhere he can get it.

Maverick Reynolds is definitely livin’ up his days as one of Tybee Island’s most eligible bachelors, voted by the area Chamber of Commerce. It all started when Davenport Construction received an invitation to join a charitable fundraiser for the holidays. They were looking for small business bachelors to pose in a calendar run to raise money for the construction of new youth center. The invitation was meant for me, but obviously I’m no longer a bachelor, so I asked Maverick to represent Davenport Construction. He ate that shit up like it was cream for a cat. Little did we know the extent he was willing to take it. During the calendar launch, all models were interviewed and featured on the local news station, TYB13. We learned so much interesting shit about that fucker that none of us had ever been privy to, like his nickname in the military being ‘Pretty Boy’ because of his scandalous ways. Like gettin’ caught fuckin’ his Sergeant’s wife.

Maverick is a damn dog if I ever did see one, but deep down the man’s got heart. He fought for this country, givin’ up eight years of his life to the service, and that alone earns him my respect. I couldn’t care less how many women he fucks, as long as he doesn’t set sights on

my Jo. Bein’ unanimously crowned as the most eligible bachelor in all of Tybee Island, I doubt he’s strugglin’ to keep his bed warm at night.

“Hot cocoa, ya damn drunks! Y’all ain’t gonna even remember New Year’s Eve at this point!” Jo tells her best friends, trying to persuade them to lay off the booze.

It didn’t take long for Laney to tuck her tail between her legs and apologize for her outburst at Jo. The very next day, in fact. They hashed out their differences over Moscato and chocolate cake. It was a learning experience for me that when women are bonding, give them their space and plenty of Kleenex. Thirty minutes into their debacle, I packed Belle up and took her to Carter’s. If I thought construction workers were foul-mouthed, these women made us look like fuckin’ saints, and I don’t need my kid embezzlin’ more money from me and my friends when she hears that shit from her JoJo and her auntie.

“That’s the point, Jo! We don’t wanna remember what a shitty year 2019 has been! So we gotta drink 2020 in and pray for the best!”

“You better pray your drunk ass can handle walkin’ those steps to get to the vehicle, babe, cause I ain’t packin’ ya.” Carter kisses her forehead, shootin’ me a pained look.

They’re dealin’ with some heavy shit, but that’s their story to tell. All in due time.

“We’ve got about ten minutes until the ball drops. Carter and I will go get you ladies some hot cocoa, but you’re cut off from the liquor.”

“Here we go again! Fun Police! Fun Police!” Bryn shouts, and together, she and Laney chime, “Weee-woo, weee-woo! Fun Police!”

“I need new friends,” Jordan says, kissin’ the tip of my nose.

“I’ll be back, darlin’. Try to keep these psychos in place so you’re easy to find.” She smiles as I kiss her forehead. Damn, I love this woman.

Carter and I make our way through the throng of people, shoulder to shoulder, huddles of friends and families, small and large, gathered to ring the new year in together. We make it to the street vendor and order four cups of hot cocoa as the snowfall picks up. The streets are likely to be covered by morning, as we’re expected to have an accumulation of three inches overnight. I won’t complain about being barricaded in the house with Jo and Belly. Any excuse to have Jordan wrapped up in my arms is a good enough for me.