“Yeah, about that … I signed up with a trainer today.”

“You did what!” Carter’s words are followed by a sudden outburst of laughter. I roll my eyes, annoyed by his reaction. “I mean, I’m glad you’re taking this seriously, but I certainly didn’t expect you to hire a trainer. I figured we’d just throw up some weights after work, or play some street ball.”

“I have no other choice but to take it seriously. I’m all Belle has, Carter. She deserves better from me.”

“Fuck, you should pass out more often with this infinite wisdom shit you’re spewing. Who knew you could be so fuckin’ profound? Kinda weird, but what the fuck ever. Proud of you, man.”

“Where are Belle and Laney, anyway?”

“Still at school. They should be here anytime now. She’s had a few parents running late to pick-up in the evenings lately. It was a short day on the job site, so I left Mav in charge and came home. Figured I’d get dinner started so she wouldn’t have to.”

Carter isn’t like most men, or so Laney says. In their marriage, he pulls his weight instead of throwing it around, not caring to scrub the grout, wash a dish, or hell—even cook dinner. Personally, I think he has no choice but to cook dinner if the man wants to eat. I’d never tell Laney this, but she’s more of a baker than a chef. Her cupcakes are to die for, but her food could literally kill you. Whether it’s the undercooked chicken that gave us all food poisoning, or the biscuits she brags are a secret family recipe—the secret must be quik-crete. You can only bless her heart and pray she doesn’t cook you a meal.

“She’s got you whipped.” I make a lashing sound and flex my arm like I’m slinging a whip. Carter rolls his eyes and opens the oven to check on the food. Damn, it smells so good.

“Daddy, you’re here!” Belle shouts as she bursts into the room. I turn at the sound of her voice and catch her as she launches herself against my chest. I stumble against the island but brace my weight to keep from falling. She’s always catching me off guard like this, or maybe I’m just weak.

“Gah, that’s all this girl has rattled on about for two days. Do me a favor, Mad—quit tryin’ to die on us, yeah?” Laney jokes. “Seriously, though, you look so much better than you did in the hospital, Madden. You had us all scared, especially Belle.”

“Thanks for taking care of her for me. I really don’t know what would have happened if I’d had that episode anywhere else. Y’all saved my life, and you are always there to help with Belle. I really don’t know what I’d do without y’all.”

“Okay, man, seriously. Did they give you a vagina while you were in the hospital because you sound like a gracious little bitch, and I can’t take much more of it,” Carter complains. Most people would be offended, but this banter back and forth is our friendship.

“Ignore him, Mad. You’re family, and we’ll always do what we can to help,” Laney reassures.

“I hope you mean that because I’m gonna need to leave Belle at preschool a couple extra hours a week. I got a gym membership today, even signed up with a trainer, and with my work schedule, I had to choose evening training. It’s either work and make a living while I try to get healthy or ignore this heart condition and trip on over in my grave.” I shrug, knowing I have no choice in the matter. “I can take her with me some evenings, I’m sure, but I doubt a gym is the place for a five-year-old.”

“I’m so proud of you, Madden! What gym will you be working out at?” Laney asks, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge then taking a seat at the island.


“Dumb Belles?” Laney asks, her brow quirked.

“Yeah, that’s what I said.”

“Have you met your trainer yet?” Laney beams with interest.

“No, he wasn’t in today. I have my first session tomorrow at five. But I read through the reviews, and he’s the highest recommended trainer they have on staff.”

“Who is it? Anyone we know?” Carter asks.

“Jordan Williams.” Carter’s eyes widen, and his hand cups his mouth.

“Jordan Williams?” Laney repeats with a knowing look.

“Oh shit!” Carter shrieks as he bursts into laughter. “You’re fucked!”

Laney slaps his chest and scowls at him angrily.

“Yeah, you know him?” I reply.

Laney quirks a brow and slowly says, “Can’t say I know … him.” Carter is still chuckling as he takes the lasagna out of the oven and places it on the cooling rack.

Something’s off here, I just don’t know what.

“Well, I’ll let y’all get to dinner. I’ll be late picking Belle up tomorrow, Lan.”

“No worries, Madden,” Laney assures.