Page 75 of Going Down

“That all depends on how you like to spend your nights.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“How do you like to spend your nights?”

“I like to spend my nights in the company of a beautiful woman.”

“Do I qualify?”

“Honey, you more than qualify. You are absolutely gorgeous.”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I said, and finished my drink.

“How do you like to spend your nights?”

“Why don’t you go get me a drink, and I just might tell you,” I said, and started to walk away.

“What are you drinking?”


He hurried off to comply with my request. He returned shortly with two glasses. By then, I had taken a seat. “Here you go, gorgeous, Kamikaze.”

“Thank you.”

“So, tell me, how does a gorgeous woman like you like to spend her nights?”

I leaned close to him. “Naked and wet. Think you can help me with that?”

“I can definitely help you with that,” he said excitedly.

“Why don’t we get out of here and you can show me just how much help you can be,” I said, and stood up. Then I sat back down quickly and turned away. “What is he doing here,” I said quietly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Don’t look, but I used to date that guy in the blue suit.”

“Used to?”

“We broke up weeks ago,” I lied, “but he’s still bothering me about getting back together.”

“Can’t say that I blame him. I would be trying to get back with you, too.”

“Look, I don’t want him to see us together. It will only cause a scene, and I’m just not in the mood for foolishness tonight.”

“I understand,” he said and stood up.

“Why don’t you wait for me outside. I promise I won’t be long.”

“Okay. I’ll be outside,” he said, and walked off. He bumped into the guy in the blue suit. A guy thing I guess, but I had never seen him in my life, so it didn’t matter. I got up and went to the bar and ordered another drink. Once I was done, I got up and went outside.

I looked around for my prey and didn’t see him anywhere. I was starting to think that I had outsmarted myself and waited too long and he left. I thought about going back inside and starting over with new prey, but then I decided to go home instead. I started walking toward my car, when I heard a car door open. “It’s about time,” he said. “I was starting to think that you couldn’t get away from him. Or that you had changed your mind.”

“Believe me, there was no chance of that happening. I’m glad you waited. I was looking forward to this.”

“So what now?”

“You lead and I’ll follow,” I said, and walked to my car.