Page 38 of Going Down

“It’s good to meet you, Chris. If you’ve got a minute, I’d love to hear what it is that you do and spend a few minutes talking about what I do and how I can help to improve your business,” Tyhedra said. I liked that fact that she seemed aggressive. You have to be if you’re gonna make it in business these days. We found a place to sit and talk and I told her what my company did.

“So you’re business is more consulting than anything else, is that correct to say?”

“That sums it


“Well, I’m a consultant as well, but I’m more of an efficiency expert. What I do is I go to my clients business and spend a week or so evaluating their staff and their procedures, looking for way to better accomplish their objectives.”

“I see.”

“So for example, if the client is looking for ways to cut costs, I look for ways to streamline procedures to make them more efficient and suggest ways to cut costs by implementing the changes.”

“You know, I may just be in need of your services.”

“I like the sound of that. Please, tell me more?”

“I got a client that I’m trying to stabilize. Once I’m able to do that it will free up to do other things. Do more marketing and bring in new business. But as long as I’m on site with this client fighting fires I can’t do that.”

“What is the clients business?”

“Are you familiar with the Cisco Unified Computing System?”



“Yes, very.” Tyhedra smiled a very confident smile.

“What about the reporting functions?”

“To be completely honest with you, a far as the Cisco Unified Computing System goes, that is where my strength lies. I am much stronger on the reporting functions than I am with the technical aspects of it.”

“Good, because that where I need the help.”


I immediately started thinking about her resolving my Ivan problem. “How are you at training?”

Tyhedra laughed. “I can teach the proverbial old dog new tricks.”

“Tell you what I’m like to do. I’m going to discuss this with my partner and then I’d like for the three of us to get together and have a conversation about your rates and see if where we can go from there. How does that sound to you?”

“That sound good. In fact, there may be something’s that I can do for you. I may be able to help you with bringing in new clients. I run across clients all the time that could use some, if not all of the services you offer. I’m sure we could come to some type of understanding that would make it beneficial to both of us.”

“I’m sure we can.” I stood up and extended my hand. “It was a pleasure talking with you Tyhedra. I’m sure we’ll speak again soon.”

Tyhedra got up and accepted my hand. “I’ll look forward to hearing from you.”

I stood there for a minute and watched as Tyhedra walked away and approached somebody else. If I could get her to do nothing else but train Kim of the reporting functions that with be great. If Ivan liked CJ, he would love Tyhedra. CJ was a pretty woman and smart as hell, but Tyhedra was sexy and if she was as good with reports as she claimed to be, she would be worth her weight in gold. And if she could turn me on to new business, all the better.

I took out my cell and called CJ as I walked. I told her about Tyhedra, and how I wanted to use her. At first CJ seemed a little cool to the idea and then she spent a few minutes wining about her need to be with me at these occasions, but she agreed that it was a good idea for us to meet her. “So, how much longer are you gonna be there tonight?”

“I wish I knew.”

“Well I still want you to call me when you’re done so we can talk about the other contacts I made tonight.”

“I’ll call you if it’s not too late.”