Page 4 of Going Down


“Angelique’s on the phone, man,” I said louder, handing him the cordless phone. Zack sat up and looked around the room. “Damn, this place is fucked up. What time is it anyway?”

“I don’t know. Ask Angelique, she should know. You know what a busy woman she is,” I said and dragged myself back to bed.

After a while, I heard Zack hang up the phone and start cleaning up the room. “Yo, Tee!” he shouted on the way to the kitchen. “Come on, man, let’s get this over with!”

“Shit.” I had counted on him running his mouth with Angelique for at least a half an hour. I really didn’t want to stand up, much less deal with that mess. But Zack was right, the sooner we got started, the sooner I could go back to bed.

“Wake up, Tee man, let’s get this over with.”

“Yeah, yeah. Why don’t you call some of your women to come clean up this place?” I said, but Zack didn’t answer. “What time did Chris cut out?”

“About six. After everybody left. I think he left with one of the dancers. You had passed out long before that,” Zack replied, slamming the refrigerator door.

“Is there anything left to drink?” I asked, plopping down in a chair.

“Hell no! You know niggas didn’t leave until every drop of alcohol was gone.”

“We need to go get some brew or something. I can’t do this sober.”

“Let’s go,” he said, removing his cell from his pocket. As soon as he turned it on it started ringing. Zack checked the number. “Hold up, man, let me see what Lana wants.”

“You know what she wants,” I said and sat back down in the chair. Zack put the call on speaker. “It’s about time you answered the phone. I’ve been calling you all morning. I was beginning to think you were trying to ignore me.”

“I turned my phone off. I wanted to enjoy myself last night,” he said.

“I see. So, what are you doing?” Lana asked.

“I’m here with Tee cleaning up. Say hello, Tee.”

“Hello, Lana,” I said and shook my head.

“Hey, Tee. Zack, take me off blast, please.”

“Okay,” Zack said, but he didn’t do it. “You’re off speaker.”

“I wanna see you.”

“Well, like I said, we’re cleaning up and then I’ll get Tee to take me home. Why, you gonna come help clean up?”

“I’ll help you,” she said.

“Well come on then,” Zack said quickly.

“But I want to be compensated for my efforts.”

“Just come on, if you’re coming.”

“I’ll be there soon,” she said and quickly hung up the phone. Zack hung up the phone, picked up his keys, and started out the door. “Lana said she’s coming to help clean up.”

“I heard,” I said and shook my head. I don’t why Zack feels the need to put the girl on blast like that. Probably because he knows she hates it. That and the fact that he has no respect for her. “Let’s go. She’s not coming,” I said and locked the door. Lana wasn’t exactly the most reliable woman in the world. She would say anything, and most times did nothing. So, I have no respect for her either.

We drove to the store, picked up a twelve pack and went back to the condo. When we pulled up to the gate, Lana was there waiting. “And they say that miracles never cease.” I was shocked that she actually showed up. “I don’t know why you keep fuckin’ with her, Zack.”

“’Cause she’s fine and the pussy is all that. That good enough for you?”

“That’s good enough for me.”