Page 35 of Going Down

“He’s in, but he’s in one of those moods.”

“I know. This morning’s chat was less than inspiring.”

I stood and watched Amy as she checked with Al before sending me in. Me and Amy started working here about the same time. Amy came in as Al’s secretary and I was hired to fill the spot Al vacated when he became sales manager. We had our moment one night four years ago after an office party. Al would always rent a room for him and Amy at whatever hotel we had the function. He’d stay with Amy a while before going home to his wife, who never came to company functions. This particular year, Angelique wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to go with me, but insisted that I go alone. Al got a little too drunk too early in the evening and had to be driven home. Amy set her sights on me.

I’ll fuck her, I thought. But I’ll probably hate myself in the morning. And I did. But it was fun while I was doing it.

We were both a little drunk when we got to the room that Al had reserved for them. I was apprehensive about going there at first. “What if Al sobered up and comes back?” I asked Amy.

Her answer was simple. She stepped to me and slid her tongue in my mouth. “The room is in my name and I have the only key.” She kissed me again. “But if he does come back, you can let him in if you want to.”

By that time I had her dress unzipped and let it fall to the floor. “That ain’t happening,” I said and unhooked her bra. Besides, I wasn’t planning on being in there that long. If there was ever a case of “slam, bam, thank you, ma’am,” this was definitely one of those cases. Amy stepped out of her throng, but left on her heels, which always turned on me. I pressed her naked body against mine and kissed her. Our tongues glided over one another’s and I felt the wetness between thighs. I ran my hand across her breasts and teased them with my tongue, sliding it slowly around her nipples. Amy wasn’t flat chested, but they weren’t what I’d consider big, either. She began to moan in response as I attacked her breasts. Amy fell on the bed and spread her legs as wide as she could. I kissed her inner thighs and then tasted her. Amy held my head in place as my tongue slithered along her lips, making circles around her clit. Then I remembered that I hadn’t planned on being there long.

I got up on my knees and watched Amy gliding her hands along throbbing erection, pulling it toward her. “Give me some of that big black dick.”

Amy spread her legs and I entered her. Her pussy was tight and very wet. I felt her body pounding against me, like she hadn’t had any dick in a long time. Before long she was screaming my name and running her fingers through her hair. I felt the pussy tighten around me and her eyes rolled back in her head. Amy pushed me off of her.

Amy rolled over and got up on her knees. I fingered her clit and played with her lips. I got up on my knees. She spread her butt cheeks with both hands. “Put it back in,” Amy pleaded and I did as she asked. I began to push my dick in her furiously. “You’re gonna make me cum again!” she yelled. “Fuck the shit outta me with that big black dick, Zack!” Amy screamed. “I’m cumming all over your dick!”

I smiled, halfway expecting her to call me nigger.

I ground my hips into her and tapped that ass as hard as I could, and she loved it. “That’s right, fuck this pussy.” I increased my pace.

She began to push back and I slid my hand between her legs and massaged her clit. I reached for her shoulders and pounded myself into Amy until I sprayed cum on her ass.

I never mentioned it after that and neither did she. Which was fine with me. The last thing I needed was for it to get around that I was banging the boss’s mistress.

Amy told me to go right in. When I entered the office, I found Al on the phone, doing his usual: playing darts. He signaled for me to come in and sit down. Once he got off the phone, I laid it out for him. Al smiled a satisfied smile. “Landing this account will be quite a feather in your cap.” He looked up at the totals board. “This should put you well out in front of Ben in the competition.”

I smiled my response.

Al told me to have Amy fill out the necessary paperwork for his signature and make reservations. I handed Al the authorization form. “You don’t disappoint, Zack. I knew that I was doing the right thing when I took a chance on a guy with ambition, but no experience, in this crazy game,” Al said as he signed the form. “Good luck out there.”

I left Al’s office and headed back to mine, handing Amy the authorization forms as I passed. “I wish I was going to California. I never get to go anywhere,” Amy whined.

“Maybe one day you will,” I said, and kept on walking. I went to my office closing the door behind me. I sat down at my desk to savor the moment. I was proud of what I had accomplished. I walked through the door eight years ago, a twenty-four-year-old Black man with no sales experience. Al saw something in me and cultivated it. Now I was on the threshold of being Sales Rep of the Year.

On the way home later that night, I decided that I could treat myself to something in celebration of my triumph. I pulled into the parking lot of Insurrection, my favorite place to buy porno flicks.

I had been there for a while, browsing the girl-on-girl selection, when I looked up and saw a very pretty woman come in the store. We made brief eye contact with one another. I mouthed the word “hello” and she smiled in response. She had a very pretty smile. She went straight for the adult toy section like she was on a mission. I moved to the aisle next to the one she was on, and watched her as she picked up and examined the variety of vibrators, rabbits, and bullets that were on the rack.

Now the question is, what do you say to a pretty woman at the adult specialty store? I’d never talked to anybody while I was there shopping. And to be honest, I’d never seen anybody talking to anybody. I mean, it’s not like I was about to walk up to somebody and say, “What did you think of this movie?”

Since I had no idea what to say, I contended myself to just watch and admire her beauty. Once I had gotten my eyes full, I returned to task at hand, which was picking out something new for my collection. I wandered back to the girl-on-girl area and wished that they had a better selection of flicks with Black women.

After I made my choice, Gang O’ Girls 2, mainly because Angel Eyes and Lola Lane were in it— It was time me and Lola got back together—and Sistas in Love, I went to the counter to check out. I was waiting in line behind this white guy who was buying a stack of movies, and asking a bunch of what I thought were stupid questions, the woman walked up behind me, holding whatever she was buying behind her back. I looked back at her and she smiled, so I decided to speak. “How are you?”

She laughed a little. “I’ll

be all right,” she said with a smile. “What about you?”

“I’m good,” I said quickly and turned around.

When the white guy asked where something was in the store, the clerk came from behind the counter to show him where it was. I was more than surprised when the woman asked, “What you got there?” I held up my choice without speaking. “I think you’re gonna like that one.”

I turned around quickly. “You’ve seen it?”

“I’ve seen both of them,” she replied. What happened after that really surprised me, as she went on to tell me about some of her favorites, some of which coincidentally were some of mine. When the clerk came back and checked the man out, we continued our conversation while she checked me out. All the while I’m thinking, This type of shit never happens.