Page 83 of Commit To Violence

"That was Cruz’s old lady, Sonya. She said Cruz and Jorge are dead."


"She said just got home and she found Jorge and four of their boys dead; two in the hallway and Jorge and two others in the apartment. And they found Cruz in the basement. He was chained to a pole, shot in head. She said the rats was eatin’ his ass when they got there."

"Black," was all Hank had to say.

"You think Black did that shit?" Bo asked.

"I wouldn’t bet against it. I mean, think about that shit. Stark was supplyin’ Rain. You had everybody believin’ that Cruz killed Kenny ’cause he wanted Kenny with him on his move uptown. Now on the same night they both turn up dead. On the same fuckin’ night!" Hank shouted. "I’m tellin’ you Black behind that shit."

Bo dropped his head in his hands. "It do sound like some shit Black would do."

"That nigga cleanin’ house, Bo."

"If Black did kill Cruz, all I gotta do is kill Nick and I’d control it all."

"What make you so sure that if Nick was dead Black would turn to you?"

"Who else would Black turn to?"

"Suppose Cruz told him that you had Kenny killed and you planned to kill Nick?"

"You’re right. I have to kill Black."

"And that means you gotta kill Bobby."

"I need to take the three of them out at once." Bo picked up the phone again and made a call to set it up. "Put the word out. Kill Black, Bobby and Nick on sight."

Bo hung up the phone and poured him and Hank another drink. "You did what you had to do at this point, Bo."

"Yeah," Bo said, but he still felt bad about it. He respected Black on so many levels. He never wanted to kill Black, just Nick. Now he had given the order to kill Black on sight.

Bo finished his drink and stood up. "I’m about to get outta here. Kenny’s funeral is tomorrow. The least I could do is pay my respects to that nigga."

"You go ahead. I’ll close up here." Hank said.

"See you tomorrow," Bo said and walked out of the office. He made his way through the garage to the door.

Bo stopped at the door and looked around. Soon all this would be behind him, and he would be in control of Black’s organization. A smile came across his face and he walked out of the garage to his car.

Bo got in his car and closed the door. When he put the key in the ignition and turned it, the car exploded.

Inside the garage, Hank heard the explosion and ran outside to see what happened. When Hank got to the door he saw Bo’s car in flames. "Bo," he called out, but Bo was dead, and he knew it.

Hank assumed that he was right. Cruz must have told Black that Bo was behind it all, and Black took care of him. And if that was the case, Hank knew that he was next. He had to get out of the city right away.

Hank shook his head and started to approach the burning car. He was only able to take a couple of steps before Hank was shot twice in the chest.

With her job completed, Monika broke down her sniper’s rifle and left the scene.


Monika drove away from Clay’s Garage and pulled out her cell phone to make her report. "Black still with you?" she asked Victor.

"Hold on," he said and handed Black the phone.

"What’s up?"